Worst Day of School Ever

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A/N: the dress above is your current outfit. Edit it how you will as you read, i.e. Leggings, color, trim, choker, etc. Enjoy!

Readers POV

The teacher rambles on as I gaze out the window, not really paying attention. It's the same typical lecture on literature, ranting about the greatness of authors like Charles Dickens. It's the last quarter of my senior high school year, and I'm are already so beyond done with this entire affair.

I realize the teacher has fallen silent, the entire classroom is whispering. That's strange. I glance towards the front of the classroom and see six guys walking in. Behind them follows two girls.

Of the guys there's a pale one with strange lips. His eyes are blue, his hair is black. He walks confidently, even though his clothes consist of a dirty white hoody paired with frayed and faded jeans. Obviously not from money.

Another has wild, blond hair and dark eyes. He wears a green sweatshirt and beanie with blue jeans. Cleaner then the first.

The following three look like a niche within a group. The first is wearing a bright yellow hoodie and jeans. His hair is a pale brown/dirty blond, shaggy and untamed. He looks like he hasn't slept in a week, his eyes are an interesting brown. The next is in a faded yellow/orange, hoodless jacket. His hair is well-combed and much more dignified then most the others. His eyes and hair are the same color as his fellow in the hoody. The last of the three has darker brown hair then the others, a little longer and just as crazy as the blond in green. His eyes are a brown amber color. He has orange goggles propped on his head, faded jeans, and a brown jacket with striped sleeves, and a jean hood. Around his neck is a strange scarf.

Of the girls, there's a girl with an eye-patch, shoulder-length caramel blonde hair, her mouth shaped almost as weirdly as the boy with black hair. The other girl is in a black dress with long black hair, falling to her waste. Her skin is almost white. I figure she's an albino with died hair. Her face is blank, her eyes almost black, just like the blond boy's

The last is in dark blue jeans, a dark blue hoody, black gloves and a strange face. His skin is so light it's almost grey. His eyes are darker then the blond in green and the albino. His hair is almost black, it's so brown. Brushed, but not styled.

The one with the goggles steps forward. "Sorry, Mrs. We just transferred from homeschooling. Got lost on the way here," believable story. The school is fairly large and it's only first period, not even halfway through the hour. "My name's Toby. This is Brian," the man in a bright yellow hoody, "Tim," the one in the faded jacket, "Jeff," the guy with the strange mouth, "Ben" green blond, "Natallie," the girl with an eye-patch, "Jane," the albino, "and Jack." The kid in blue.

The teacher looks flustered, but nods. "There should be seats open in the back two rows." She points to the back.

Oh no! Not the back row! They'll be right next to me! Oh god, please help me.

Thanking the teacher, the boys head to the back. Jeff, Ben and Tim are talking together. Natalie is talking to Toby, the albino walking beside Jack, but talking with Brian.

I watch each of the group take a seat, ignoring the teacher's attempt to continue. My eyes home in on Jack, possibly the strangest of the eight. He glances at me as he takes a seat right next to me.

Quickly, I avert my eyes.

The bell rings. I hurriedly pack you bag and head for the door when someone grabs my forearm. I turn to see Jack staring at me.

"You dropped these." He's holding my pencil and a book I've been reading.

"Oh. Thanks." My face heats up as I take them.

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