Getting Patched Up by No Ordinary Human

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I follow (y/n) down the red rampart slowly, catering my wounded leg and arm. I'm trying to figure her out. First, she and I talk like friends, then she yells and runs away from me, twice, and now she's dragging me to her house because a couple of scratches? Hasn't she fit the pieces together about who I am yet? She must have heard the descriptions from the news about all of us. Even in our weak disguises, it should be pretty obvious! How come no one's recognized us? Especially someone with such acute sense.

But then, no ordinary human would have heard mine and Ben's conversation. Which means she's not normal. If she's not a typical human, what is she? She's nothing like anyone I've met before, that's fact. No wonder she immediately caught my eye. Humans that catch my eye are usually my next meal, and though she does smell heavenly, she doesn't look... Edible. I'm not sure that makes sense.

Too deep in thought, I barely register I've hit pavement until (y/n) grabs my arm. "Come on. We're going to need to climb the emergency exit to get to my room, otherwise my parents will know. Not that they'd give a damn if I brought home a boy." She mutters, almost to herself.

It's strange. Even though my skin is generally a lot colder then a human's, I can still feel my cheeks flush. I'm not sure why, though. It's never happened before. Maybe it's the idea of going into a cute girl's room, without parent supervision, knowledge or consent. Immediately images pop into my brain. Thoughts unlike any I've come across before swirl around. What does she look like without clothes? Is she as perfect as the skin I can see? How does she taste? What would it be like to kiss her? Would she let me claim her?

I try to push the ideas forming out of my head. It's the first time I've felt like a normal, human, teenage boy since... Well, it's been too long for me to want to know.

She pulls me up the escapeway. Did she notice my limp? She's definitely climbing a lot slower then before. But then, she was running away with the intent of escape. At that point, I thought she'd figured us out, so I'd let my most human form slip into my true form. Guess I was wrong. Too late now.

She opens her window and pulls me inside. Her room is just about as normal as any other. Her bed is pressed to a wall, adorning simple sheets, some blankets holding characters from some fandom, and a pillow. On her walls are posters and other various fictional worlds. A desk sits next to the window, on it are her school books, an alarm clock, bottle of water and a lamp. Her dresser is piled with random things she never put away. Her floor is scattered with dirty shirts and pants. Quickly, she scoops those up and stuffs them in her hamper.

"Sorry about the mess. Take a seat on the bed. I'll be right back." She smiles slightly. "No matter what you hear, don't come out." She mockingly scolds me, mimicking my tone from before.

I end up cracking a smile. I hope things stay like this. That would be nice.

After laughing a moment, she disappears out the door and down the hall--calling for her parents. When she gets no response, she pokes her head back in her door.

"Ok. It's safe. If they aren't home by now, they won't be until past midnight. Come on." I get up and follow her into the hall.

It's a pretty typical apartment. The hall leads to what looks like a living room and kitchen. Not counting (y/n)'s, there are three doors in the hall. One is open, showing a messy parents room, another closed. I reach for the handle, but her hand covers my wrist.

"Don't ever touch that door." Her tone is dark, more serious then I've ever heard it. Of course, it's only been one day.

I retract my hand and nod. Something bad probably happened behind that door. Or the room is holding something precious to the family. Her father's off-limits study, perhaps.

Loving a MonsterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora