Maybe Dinner Just Isn't For Me

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This chapter is graphic, though I won't say how. That would spoil it. if you have any triggers of any kind, or distaste in certain actions, skip this all. And maybe find a new fandom to join. Read at you own risk.

When I walk into the dining hall, I notice its larger then last time. The one table got much larger, with a gap in the center. Slenderman's kin still sit at the head, only with more space. Most of everyone's places are the same as before, but there are several new places. Including one next to Jack's. My heart skips a bit, but I force myself to calm.

Jack leads me to our seats smiling. His smiling must be contagious, because I find myself smiling too. We're about to sit down when Natalie and Toby tackle me and half drag, half guide me away from Jack. I know it's only a joke, but I dont really appreciate it. Still, I laugh along as I follow them to some sort of lounge room.

They shove me in, smiling, where Tim and Brian and Jane are waiting at the bar. They come towards me and start ruffling my hair, Jane slips some makeup on my face, readjusting my clothing articles without touching my skin or revealing anything much. Once they're done, Tim slips a ring on my right pointer finger, a long, mildly heavy necklace around my neck and a headband in my hair, letting my face show. After all of this, they all stride out the door. Which they shut.

And lock.

This makes me beyond annoyed and unsettled. I dont bother trying to open it. There's no point. And besides, if I need to get out I can just blast it. Instead, I turn and observe the room. The room is a bar lounge with plush couches and chairs, beautifully carved tables, a marble counter on the bar, and a pool table on the far side of the room with slightly raised flooring.

Thats when I notice Jeff. He's leaning on the bar, making a couple of drinks. Ben and Puppeteer are playing pool. Jeff glances at me and smiles, nodding his head for me to come closer. Seeing as I can't leave, and I dont think Ben will let Jeff hurt me very much, I step forward. I take a seat on the stool and watch him work with the alcohol. I notice he's favoring his wounded arm, and that that hand isn't working quite as well as his other.

I think he notices me looking at it because he says, "Does my blood still smell good, (y/n)?" His tone is so close to the one Jack used that night that a shiver runs down my spine.

"No. I'm well-fed now, thank you." I watch him carefully. Something's not right. "I'm guessing you didnt drag and lock me in here just to ask me about your blood and give me a drink. What do you want, Jeff?"

Jeff laughs. "You're right, I didn't get you here for that. You fucked up. Apparently, that's all you can do around here. So we're going to set you straight. And you're going to let us, or Slenderman is going to find out, and you are going to be kicked out of this house. If you fight, he's going to be the first to hear it. And he wont be happy if you interrupt dinner a second time, and less then a day since you bit me."

Well, Jeff might be an idiot, but he's an ingenious one. "What do you want," I ask again.

Jeff gives a short whistle, catching Puppeteer and Ben's attention. "We, actually. You remember that game Ben started?" I nod. "Honestly, I don't really give a shit about chores. But, just for the shit you pulled, I'm going to win this game." His smile stretches into an wary loom.

Ben and Jonathan float down behind me. Puppeteer wraps his arms around my waist, pressing me against him, his lips skipping along my neck slowly. Ben has my hands in the air as he floats above John, kissing the other side of my neck. Jeff puts a hand on my hip, another pinches my cheeks to hold my face in place. He comes in to kiss me.

I try to light up, to fight, to get out of this however possible. But my flames dont come, their hands to budge. I'm trapped. How?

The accessories. They're blocking my powers. Shit!

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