Girl Time in a Bathroom

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Jack tried shouting to me from the entrance for a while, but eventually gave up when Ben said he'd call someone. The bell rings, though I didn't move. I know they're probably still outside. I don't really need to go to my next class. I already know all the material.

Someone walks in and calls my name. Probably either Jane or Natalie. "Take you're fucked up family and get the hell away from me." I snap at her.

"Did those boys say something stupid again?" A different voice from the first. Both are beautiful. This one, however, is slightly scratchy. Like she smoked for a few years and quite.

The two girls sit on either side of my stall door.

"The boys in our family can be so insensitive. Whatever they said, you shouldn't take seriously. They're a bunch of idiots." The first voice says.

"I don't give a damn about people's words anymore. It's their actions that piss me off. Now leave me alone!"

One sighs. "It looks like this is going to go the hard way. Should you like to do the honors or should I?" It's the second girl.

"You can go ahead. You've always been better at it then me." The first responds.

There's a little jiggling, then the lock comes undone and the door swings open. On the other side stands Jane and Natalie, Jane with a kitchen knife in hand.

I gawk at the blade for a second. "How the hell did you get that in here?"

"What? This?" She waves the knife around.

"Hey careful with that! You'll hurt yourself or worse! Someone might see it! Put it away already. Geez. Are you guys trying to get expelled on your first day? It's not even lunch." I hiss.

Jane looks from the knife to me to Natalie before they both start laughing. "Wow, girly. You are interesting." Natalie giggles out.

I'm shocked by their ease. They're so relaxed! Why?

"Don't worry, (y/n)! We know how to handle school rules." Natalie says, slinging her arm around my shoulders, guiding me out of the bathroom. Or trying to, at least.

My feet stay firmly planted. "You shouldn't be anywhere near me. You all might as well shout to the school you're sluts and manwhores yourselves." I growl, looking down so my hair covers my face.

"Why's that?" Jane asks.

"Oh please. Like you haven't heard the rumors. It would take seconds for word to travel and someone to pull you aside and give you 'social advice'. Or haven't you heard? I'm the school slut. If I don't get my man I kill them!" A tear slips down your cheek. "If you'll excuse me, I think I'm going to go home."

I head to the exit, but they block my path. "Humor us, girly. Why would a lone wolf like you be called a slut and a murderer?" Natalie insists.

I look up at them. They're completely serious about this. Well, they'll find out eventually. At least they'll hear it from me. "Look, I crushed on the wrong guy in middle school, ok? He was flirting with me and then went and told everyone that I tried to sleep with him! He turned all of my friends against me. I got upset and skipped school for a few weeks! During that time he went missing and apparently I came back the day after it was confirmed! Everyone blamed me and when his body was found half-buried and burned in the park! Even though I didn't do a damn thing! Is that what you wanted to hear?!" My voice had grown increasingly loud, to the point I'm shouting.

I look behind the girls and see Jeff, Ben and Toby all leaning around the corner. I scoff. "Go eat shit. Get out of my way." I snap at all of them, shoving through and into the hall.

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