I Am Elected the Leader of the Hunters for 16 Hours

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Nick meets me just outside the entrance to base. His eyes only flicker to the mask, but he doesn't ask. He seems worried about something much more important.

"What's wrong? What happened?" I run to meet him. He grabs my arm.

"Decker's-" before he can finish, I've taken off towards the Major's chambers.

Decker and I disagreed about a lot, and I hated how he treated the creepypastas, but I never hated him. In fact, he acted more like a god father, a real father. More of any dad I've ever had. And he's dying.

I burst into his room to see several military doctors lined up against one wall in a silent salute. I collapse to my knees at his bedside.

"Decker, sir. Sergeant (l/n) reporting." This man has earned my full and complete respect faster than anyone has before.

His hair is gone, his face is spotted and wrinkled. He has become so frail in the four short years I've known him. The day he caught me his hair was full and black, shaved to a buzz cut with a short beard. He was healthy and strong. He was old, but healthy. And now he's about to die at a too-young fifty six.

He looks at me with glossy and glazed brown eyes. A frail, shaky smile splits his face, flashy his gums. "(Y/n), my dear. How was patrol?" His voice is barely a whisper and raspy, but still as deep as it always was.

"It was pretty quiet, sir. You won't believe who I came across in the woods." I want to take his hand, but I know I'm more likely to burn him.

"The Slenderman?" He rasps hopefully, eyebrows lifting, blind eyes scanning the darkness.

I give a half-hearted laugh. "No, sir. I had a run in with Eyeless Jack. We fought, sir. But I couldn't get him fast enough. He disappeared into the night."

His hope falters, reversing the a pleased smile. A proud smile. "Listen to me, (y/n). I have only minutes. I want you to know that we may not agree, but I think your plans will greatly benefit this organization. I have never been fortunate enough to have my own child, but I am proud to consider you and your brother as my own. Make me proud, my dear. Make this organization something we will all be proud of." His voice fades as he speaks.

"I will always remember you as my true father, sir. Be at peace now, and know I will always work to make you proud." Tears sting at my eyes, threatening to break my voice.

He smiles wider and nods. "I know you will, my dear. I know you will." With that, he relaxes back into his bed.

I watch as the light leaves his eyes, his muscles go slack, his body becomes an empty shell. The fire that once burned so bright has become nothing more then a pile of cold ash.

I try to swallow the jump in my throat as I back up, letting the doctors care for his body. He is to be burned. Nick comes up from behind me and hugs me. I hug back and cry silently as I watch the doctors take the body to the morgue.

Nick guides me to my room, trying to comfort me while holding his own emotions back. When we sit on my bed, we both give in and cry, holding each other, trying to comfort one another. After an hour or so, we pick ourselves back up, wipe away the tear tracks, and head to central control. It's time to make the announcement. I tell on of the soldier there to send out the immediate alert for a mourning assembly.

My brother and I wait on the platform as everyone gathers, most rubbing their eyes, some still in their hunting gear from their early return. Once we're sure everyone has arrived, I step up to the microphone.

"Good morning, soldiers. I'm afraid I don't bear good news, though I hope it is not entirely shocking," I wait as a murmur rises, letting it die down before speaking again, "Major Decker has just past on." I allow the crowd to take this in before continuing. "Tonight he will be burned. In the morning, we will hold a proper burial for him. After that, there will be much work to attend to. All of you, get some rest. Tonight's hunt is cancelled."

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