Candypop is a Dick, and Slendorman is Prideful

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Jack wrapped a thin-ish blanket around me, got dressed, and wrapped another around him so he and I could cuddle as close as possible. Unfortunately, we only got a few precious moments of pleasant silence before there was a knock on the door.

It's morse code. Nick.

Jack sighs and gets back up. My clothes are scattered about the room, and Jack still looks flushed with his hair messy. I hope Nick doesn't get pissed.

Jack cracks open the door, asking "what?" A little too sharply.

"Where's my sister, freak?" Nick growls. Aw man.

"Im here Nick. It's ok," I call to my older brother.

Even though I'm sure Nick is seconds from ripping Jack apart, it makes me smile. There have been a number of occasions where a hunter would flirt with me, and he would always jump to my rescue. It's moments like that that remind me who is older, and that he has always watched out for me. Even if half of it wasn't actually real, it was real to me.

I hear him grumbling. "Well, get dressed. Um... Slenderman and his brothers want our information," he calls, obviously uncomfortable. "I find out you hurt her, I'll melt your bones." He growls viciously at Jack.

God, I'm glad he wasn't Zalgo. I may not have a strong bond with the Hell King, but I get a strong suspicion he would have incinerated Jack if he came here and saw us like this.

Jack nods, almost mockingly before cracking that mischievous crooked grin. "What if she asks me to?"

Nick grabs him by the front of his shirt, pulling him halfway out the door. "Let me clarify. If you break her heart, your bones will get so hot, your entire body will be melted down to it's base elements from the inside out." He growls, going into that triple voice we get when we're extremely angry or, lately, protective.

"Hey, I'm not going to hurt her, man. The day I do, I'll tie myself up for you." Jack reassures my kin.

Nick lets him go with one last grunt before walking away. Jack pulls back inside and shuts the door, leaning back against it. He lets out a breath, looking up at the ceiling.

"You're brother is very protective," he laughs out.

I smile and nod. "Yeah. Well, that protection got me out of a lot of tight spots with guys in my life."

I swing my legs off the bed and start scooping up my clothes. My legs feel like they've run a day-long drill. They're jelly. Jack tosses me my cloak and shirt. Even though it's not strictly necessary, he--very carefully--helps me dress.

I kiss his cheek, take my cloak and head out the door. As I head to Slenderman's office, I try desperately to fix my hair lighting my head and runing my fingers through it, guiding the strands into a much more respectable formation.

I pass Candypop at the stairs. He sees me and falls into stride, a knowing smirk stretching across his pale blue face. I huff at him.

"Go away, demon pixie. I don't want to hear your taunts."

He mocks offense with a surprised gasp. "Ma'am, I would never do something with such a hero!"

I roll my eyes at him. "I wouldn't have to be if you guys figured out what stealth is. Or loyalty."

He kicks into the air, gliding alongside on his back. "Perhaps. But, well, let's just say very few of us agree on ways of doing things."

"Oh, please. Just admit it. You're all just stubborn." I grumble under my breath.

He laughs. "We truly are, arent we? My, you certainly are interesting, Hell Queen. Or rather, Princess." He mocks.

I stop in my tracks. He glides a little slower, looking amused. "What did you call me?"

His eyes widen, frowning slightly. "You mean to say, he hasn't told you?" I shake my head, glaring at the genyr. "Zalgo intends to make you his heir. Silly thing. Did the demoness truly believe she could be the daughter of the Hell King with no royalty responsibilities?" He clicks at me, shaking his head in disapproval.

I force on my famous fake smile and walk up to him, grabbing his jester bells, yanking him down to my level. "Well, demon, you can tell my father he'll have to find someone else to be his heir, because the only thing I want to lead is the Hunters. And that is only onto a peaceful path. There is no way, in any version of this reality, will I lead a race of filthy fire beasts." I say in my sweetest tone before letting go of him and stalking down the hall.

Thankfully, he decides to leave me alone. By the time I've come to Slenderman's office doors, I've calmed down.

I walk in to see Slenderman behind his desk, hands folded in front of him. Offenderman is sprawled across one of the couches, taking the entire space. He grins mischievously at me, so I snarl at him, which only makes him grin wider. Splendorman is casually and comfortably seated on the other couch, leaning on the arm closest to the main doors. On the other side of the couch is Trendorman. Nick is sitting in a chair next to the third oldest brother.

Splendorman is smiling pleasantly, earning one of my own. Trendorman inclines his head, as do I in return. Slenderman simply stares, or more accurately, glares at me. He gestures to a chair in front of the coffee table, which devides the two couches. I scoot the chair a little closer to Splenderman and sit, distinctly distancing myself from the second eldest. He flashes his long, sharp teeth at me.

"(Y/n), you have been with the Hunters for four years. You know them better then anyone else we have contact with. It is time to pay for your room and board. Begin your debrief." Slenderman states simply.

So I do. I demand large papers and pencils to draw a detailed layout of the organization's main base, along with all of their minor bases. As I do, I talk. I tell them the number of people they have on-hand 24/7. I tell them about the creepypasta they have in containment units, and where the more volatile ones are kept. I tell them every detail of defense and offense I know. I tell them about Maxwell Gall, and how he would distribute his forces to counteract an attack.

The first ten minutes, none of them took me very seriously. By the time I'm done going over the weaknesses in the walls and gates, they're sitting at attention. At some point, someone unlocks the doors, and other creepypasta drift in. Occasionally, Nick will give a comment on something.

Somewhere along the line, the information dump turns into a battle strategy, which turns into forming a legitimate plan of attack.

Most everyone breaks for lunch, during which my brother and I move our station to the main lounge, so everyone can hear the new plan. As I'm pinning up my maps of the organization, Slenderman comes in.

"(Y/n)." I glance back at him and flick my tail before returning to my task. "You are aware that this information will be used to mount a complete attack. We intend to permanently wipe out the Hunters."

A lump forms in my throat as I think of Decker again. I swallow it. "Yes, Slenderman. I'm aware." I stop and turn around to face him. My heart drops to my feet, making them heavy. "But are you aware that a full-out attack like that will only prove to them what they think you are? Are you aware that an attack like that will cause extreme casualties on both sides?" He nods, so I walk up to him until I'm only a few feet from him. "Are you ready to risk every single one of yo-" I stop myself, "our kind just to destroy your enemies?"

His energy is strong, though he doesnt seem angry. Only determined. He bends down to my level, "My dear, the question you should be asking, is what side do you intend to be on when the battle ensues?"

With that, he stands and turns to leave. He pauses at the door and looks back at me. "Do not disappoint those of us who have come to both rely and trust in you." He warns before leaving me there.

I look back at the boards.

I have no friends there. I have no future among them. And they have hurt these people. Here, I am loved. Here I am truly respected. Here... Is where I belong. With Nick. And Jack. And my father.

As much as I hate Zalgo, and I can't live for killing, I can't live with the Hunters like I can here.

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