Once Again, I Live With Serial Killers

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Slowly, the creepypastas leave the lobby. Several give me distasteful, even hateful glares. Once it's empty, I pick up my bag, whose straps were burned off, and follow Jack up to his room. Once there, I set my pack at the foot of his bed.

Jack seems more tense then last night. "Don't worry. I won't light anything on fire unless I want to." He smiles, relaxing a little. "Oh. And I have your mask."

He smiles much wider at this, like a puppy waiting for a dog treat. I dig into one of the smaller pouches of my bag, pulling out his second alder wood mask. Just before I hand it to him, I notice the slight difference in colors. Near the temple, there are speedily repaired cracks.

I sit back on his bed, my mouth hanging open as I stair at the cracks. He comes and sits next to me. "I though you made yourself a new one."

He chuckles. "I have a couple, actually. But the didn't really feel right. They weren't broken. And they weren't fixed by you." He mumbled as he slips the mask from my hands, putting it on his night stand. "Can you turn human?"

The question seems so random, my mind back-tracks for a moment. "Um... No. I haven't really thought about it. I didn't think I needed to."

He gives me an adorable crooked smile. "It might help with your heat. Like it does with my cold. It could make this," he takes my hand and guides it to hover over his face, "a lot easier.

I can't help but smile as I do the same with his hand over my own cheek before kissing him. This one lasts longer then our first before I have to pull away, but we're both smiling.

Then, a question dawns on me. "Does my heat bother you?"

Jack hums in thought for a second, staring at the ceiling. "No. Not really. But then, pain of any kind has never been a real problem for me. Touching you is like putting your hands or face a few inches too close to a campfire. It's hot, but not unbearable."

I smile. Knowing that only I am the one in pain makes this a lot easier.

Of course, some bastard has to knock on the door. Both Jack and I groan. I get up to answer it, my hair already shimmering with heat.

"What?" I demand, opening it only to be pounced on with a blanket.

Apparently, Clockwork came up with the genius idea to hug me through a blanket! Where she got it, I have no idea. But it's effective. Through the blanket, the following creepypastas pile on for a group hug: Natalie, Jeff, Toby, Brian, Tim, Ben, Jane and Sally. Jack stays in his bed, laughing as I get smothered by some old friends.

When they finally let me go, my hair is snuffed out. "Damn it guys. You smothered my hair." I groan at them, pulling at some locks.

"Miss (y/n)! Come play with me!" Sally begs, pulling at my hand.

Her being a ghost means that I don't affect her, and she doesn't affect me. It's the same with Ben.

"Sally, we older kids have some catching up to do before you drag her off to play, okay? You should go see if Candypop or LJ will play instead." Jane is gentle with the youngest of the creepypasta.

Poor Sally pouts, holding her teddy bear tightly, before walking out again. Once she's gone, Jeff comes up from behind and wraps his arms around my waist, nuzzling my neck.

His sudden contact makes me jump a little, which everyone notices and laughs at. "Jeff, I'm going to burn you."

"I don't know if you've noticed, beautiful, but I'm already as burned as a human can be. I don't feel heat," he murmurs into my neck before getting even quieter, so only I can hear, "That is, other then the heat down in the core of my-"

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