The Invasion to Top All Invasions

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This is gonna be a very tactical chapter. So just skim if you dont want to hear the details of how they'll do the attack.

The other creepypasta started to filter into the room in small groups of two or three, leisurely talking after a filling lunch. Jack had brought me a small bowl of blood.

I know it's human just by the smell, but I dont argue or ask. I just take it. With the Hunters, I had the luxury of being as vegetarian as possible, but here I won't be able to stay sane like that. Not when every day someone will come home, bathed in human blood.

Nick and I finish setting up and wait a few minutes for everyone to take a seat and quiet down. Once they're seated, Nick steps forward. He glances uncertainly at me and Trendorman. We booth nod encouragingly.

Apparently, Trendorman likes my brother a lot, and vice versa. Trendorman even tailored Nick a new outfit. His shirt is thin and tight, but stretchy and bulletproof. It matches his skin color perfectly, so it looks looks like he isn't wearing a top at all. His belt looks like something straight from Zalgo's realm, spiky and black. Perfect for a demon prince. His pants are made of a light material that mimics denim, but is much more breathable and easier to fight in. Most of the creepypasta have similar pants. For human outings. And in return, Nick has showed Trendorman better materials for sketching his designs, along with some memory-drawn blueprints of several of the weapons the Hunters use.

Just to clarify, Nick loves to design such things. He has always had an eye for small engineering.

Nick clears his throat, silencing the two or three still talking. "Most of you heard what my sister was talking about to the Enderman kin. But we're going to go over the plan again, for everyone. We need to make one thing clear. This mission is extremely dangerous. We will definitely lose members. So, for those who dont or cant fight, you will be staying behind." Jeff raises his hand.

"Jeff, put your damn hand down. You have a scratch in your arm! So what? From what I hear, you lost several fingers at one point and still fought. You are definitely coming." I snap at the infernal raven-haired killer.

He growls and puts his hand down. I nod at my brother for him to continue.

"Some of us can't handle violence as well as others," he glances at Lulu and Sally, who are sitting with Jane and Nat, "We can't risk you causing any of the fighters distraction, and we can't risk you getting killed or caught. So you will be staying behind. For everyone else, this meeting is mandatory and the information is going to save all of our lives in the long run. Anyone who can't fight should sit at the games table."

Lulu, Sally, Ben, and our residential doctor, Smile go to sit at the table. Ben got the worst damage from my lash-out. One of his arms is still in a sling, therefore would be a liability. Puppeteer gets up too, but Dr. Smile shoots him a glare and a warning snarl fierce enough I wouldnt want to oppose it.

And so I explain the plan. "The north and south wall have the main gates, and therefore are heavily fortified. The eastern and western walls are solid concrete with a foot thick middle layer of solid steel before another layer of concrete, and heavily patrolled. Every outside door is the same as the center of the outer walls; bomb-proof.

"Slenderman and Offenderman will take a large group of creepypasta into the fortress via teleportation. Those with long-range specialties will stay with Splendorman and Trendorman in the trees, shooting those on top the walls, reinforcements, and those at the main gates.

"These two main fighting forces will make a solid path for a much smaller, much more elite group of creepypasta to get inside. Nick and I are to be part of this group, as we know the foundation better then anyone else.

"Once inside, Nick will take half of our group to go find and free the pastas still imprisoned. Those that cannot restrain themselves will be used to get back out. The collars will knock them out once they get to the gates. From there, they will be teleported to the basement of the mansion, where the non-fighters will tie them down until the rest get back.

"I will lead my team to set up bombs infused with mine, my brother's, and my father's powers. These will be placed in central command, the boilers, and other weak areas. Then, my team will get out while I do a last recon with Trendorman. Our goal is to capture the biggest doctors and commanders and get them back to the mansion.

"Slenderman and Offender will take Zalgo, with his army, Clockwork, Herobrine with his troops, Jason the Toymaker, Jeff the Killer, Tails Doll, Nurse Ann, Ticci Toby, Laughing Jack and Jill, and Judge Angels.

"Trendorman and Splendorman will have Bloody Mary, Dark Link, Hoodie, Masky, Sonic.ex, and the Puppeteer.

"Nick will have Bloody Painter, Jane the Killer, and the Rake. I am taking Candypop, Eyeless Jack, and Zero.

"Does everyone know your assingments?" I ask when I'm done. The sun is nearly set.

Everyone looks grin, but no one objects. Toby raises his hand.

"Why arent us proxies fighting next to each other? We're a lot stronger that way." He stands up.

I cant help but smile. "Maybe. But Hoody and Masky both are well-trained with handguns and have deadly aim. We need them in the sky."

Toby doesnt look happy to be singled out from those two, but he nods and sits back down. Masky and Hoodie pat his shoulders, murmuring things.

"Anyone else?" I ask again. I know I'm splitting up a few good teams like this, but I have to. No one says anything. "One last thing before I dismiss you. During this fight, you must keep in mind that this could be our only shot at exterminating the Hunters, and being able to live freely as ourselves, amongst ourselves. If you can't work together now, you never will, and we will all be capture, tortured and killed," I look meaningfully at Jeff and a few other lone-wolves. No one says anything. No one does anything. They just sit in a serious, calculating silence. "Go get ready. We leave as soon as the sky is dark. Dismissed."

I turn away as everyone starts trickling out, taking down the maps and schematics. Trendorman and Nick go somewhere else to talk. Lulu and Sally slipped away somewhere, hopefully to check the restraints in the basement. They're old, but hopefully will do the trick. Then icy arms wrap around my waste.

I turn and come face to face with the wooden mask of my boyfriend. I lean into his arms, pulling up my mask so I dont have to pull away anytime soon.

"I could lose you in this fight." He murmurs, stroking my hair.

"I could lose you, too. But I'm done being hunted. I'm tired of running." I respond.

"It's going to change you. Your first conscious kill is always challenging. And you're going to kill a lot of men and women tonight." He pulls me back enough so I can look at him. He slips his mask to the side so I can see his face. "Are you sure you're ready to become a true creepypasta?"

"No. But I am ready to be with my family and the man I love." Is all I respond with before giving him another squeeze and returning to my work.

He walks out silently, and I am left alone with the echoes of a plan that will bring the destruction to either us, or our enemy.

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