Apperently I'm Not Who I Thought I Was

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"What?" Is all I manage to whisper. The idea that I don't have all my memories rocks me like a ship in a storm. Of course, I don't remember when I was just a little baby, and most of my elementary years are blurry, but no memory? That's absurd.

He nods grimly and comes to sit on his bunk. "Apparently so. Tell me, child, how long have you been as you are?"

"Since yesterday." I mumble, sitting on the floor.

"Have you killed any humans recently?"

"No, of-" I'm cut off by his intense stare. He knows I'm lying. Sighing, I lower my head and close my eyes, remembering that week. "Yes. I killed a boy. About five years ago."

"Why?" This question shocks me more. I look back at him, trying to see if he's joking. He's not.

Well. What could it hurt? I'll be stuck with him for who-knows how long. So I tell him about Jackson Eaton. I tell him about my brother, too. How he had run away because my mother was so strict and he was tired of the pressure.

He listens patiently, quietly, nodding his head every now and then. When I finish, he stares at me for while, frowning. I swear I could hear the gears turning in his head.

"My child, I'm afraid that all of that is true." I look at him a little incredulously, but he ignores this and continues to talk. "It was around fifth grade that your memories blend from false to true. You see, you were kidnapped when you were very young. Your father had mated with a human, rather stupidly, and you were the result. You were too, ah, temperamental to stay with your human mother, so you went with your father to the rest of the Creepypastas, which is what our group calls ourselves. You would only know us as myths and local legends.

"However, your father was not what you would call an ideal parent. He wasn't very watchful, and when you were only seven years old you were stolen. The Hunters had found you and took you. Your father was very worried about you. He looked everywhere, but couldn't find you. By the time he realised it was the Hunters who had you, it was too late. He knew you must be dead by then. Regardless, he came here to look for you. When he arrived, he was taken into custody. They kept him for several weeks, trying to interrogate him. Pain never worked, and he never responded to their questions. He only asked 'Where is my daughter? Where is my little girl?' The only answer they gave him was asking who that was, or laughing at him."

Zalgo pauses in his story, scanning me. I stay silent.

"After several months, your father was given a small piece of hope. When he asked, the interrogated sighed, and he said 'If things go well, she won't remember your face, who you are, or what she is. It's a new experiment to see if your young ones can be put into proper society, peacefully'."

"So you're telling me that I'm half human, half creepy-whatever? And that I have fake memories from fifth grade back?"

"Yes, that is correct."

I laugh and shake my head. "Alright dude. I don't know how long you've been stuck in this cell, but obviously you're insane." I scoff and get to my feet, brushing off the dirt from my pants.

Zalgo smiles slightly and shakes his head, laying back in his bed and summoning his book again.

Just then, the door opens, and in walks a woman in some sort of armored dress. Behind her are two guards. "Miss, please come with me." She's holding a collar that looks a lot like Zalgo's. This one's pink. How nice of them.

Obediently, I come forward and let the woman put the collar around my neck. "This is a shock collar. It is connected to a remote with several commands. It is also a tracker and contains a strong dose of sleeping drugs. If you go anywhere near the borders with this on, you will pass out almost immediately. Oh, and don't try to take it off. It shuts off any inhuman abilities you may possess. Understand?"

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