Chapter 8: Outstanding!

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It's a beautiful Day outside... birds are singing, flowers are blooming... on Days like these...


Some kids go missing.

"What do you mean they're missing!?" Toriel demanded as Sans looked down at the floor.


"You both have to find them, especially Chara." Toriel said. "And where's Asriel?"

Sans eyes widened... Asriel was gone too!? Where is he?




I've got you...

The whispers spread throughout the endless Void...

I'll feed off the Hope of the Survivors... especially the new Survivor. She has something interesting...


No one POV

Another scream was heard as the Aura of another Survivor was seen. They were picked up and placed on a hook.

Frisk thought this was the end until...

Cheryl was seen running to save her.

"I've got you." Cheryl said as she brought out a Medkit.

After healing, Cheryl suddenly screamed, revealing her location to...

"Run!" Cheryl shouted as Pyrimid Head was seen.

Frisk both ran as you both felt a temporary boost of speed. Pyrimid Head was seen carving a Trail and then lifted his Great Knife.

Frisk immediately moved to the left and vaulted out of a window. She was outside now as a Generator was completed.

Two Generators left.

Suddenly, a loud sound was heard as a mass of claws was seen dragging a person upwards.

They died...

"I'm so sorry you had to see that." Cheryl said. "Just... try to get used to it. It happens alot he-"

Cheryl was interrupted as Pyrimid Head swung his Knife at Frisk. She quickly ducked and bolted in the other direction.

Pyrimid Head seemed very annoyed as he went straight for you, ignoring Cheryl.

Frisk dodged his incoming swings as a Generator was completed.

One Generator left! Then they're out of here!

While Frisk was distracted, Pyrimid Head landed a hit, injuring her.

Final Judgement...

Frisk ran through the hall and into a classroom. She threw down the pallet to temporarily stun the Killer. He grew angry as he drove his Knife into the ground and lifted it.

Frisk fell to the ground as the hazards impaled her.

Final Judgement...

Pyrimid Head walked over to her for the execution... swinging his Sword and slicing her arm off.

Another Death...

"Frisk!!!!" A voice echoed as darkness filled her vision.



Frisk POV

"Run!" Cheryl shouted as Pyrimid was seen.

Wait, didn't this happen? How am I back? Wait... Determination.

I ran as I felt a temporary speed boost. Pyrimid Head was seen carving a Trail, then lifted his Knife.

This already happened... that means he's gonna...

I moved to the left as a Generator was completed, then... I dashed straight past Pyrimid Head.

"Frisk! What are you doing!?" Cheryl shouted.

"Just wait..." I shouted back while dodging.

Another Generator was completed and I dodged another one of his swings. He seemed very annoyed and drove his Knife into the ground and lifted it, this time I dodged and ran past him. I vaulted the window outside and landed on the ground.


A loud hum was heard... the last Generator was completed.

An alarm went throughout the entire school as Pyrimid Head increased in speed.


"Oh no... Frisk, we have to escape now." Cheryl said afraid.

A Totem has lit up, giving Power to the Killer.

Hex: No one escapes Death

Cracks were forming in the ground, meaning the Endgame Collapse has begun!

"Run!" Cheryl shouted as she ran. I ran too as Pyrimid Head pursued from behind.

We got closer as we saw the open exit gate. David was there... Detective Tapp was the one to die.

"C'mon, let's go!" David shouted.


They escaped...

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