Chapter 4

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3rd Person Pov

Aizawa walked through the sewers, followed by Midnight, Deku, Kirishima, and Iida. They walked through the darkly lit tunnels.

"How could anyone be down here? It's disgusting." Iida mumbled.

"Well, there's a chance that someone is down here. It could just be a big animal that's down here." Midnight stated as she looked down a tunnel, too small to fit through.

"No, they gave a description. It's a female human." Aizawa snapped.

Kirishima looked behind them, hearing a bird call from behind them. He looked back at the others who looked as confused as he was. Another animal call was heard, from further away.

"What the fuck?"

"Kirishima, watch your language!" Iida stated.

"Quiet!" Aizawa yelled, silencing the two. They listened for a few moments before speaking again.

"Why would there be animal noises. And they sounded like they came from humans." Midnight pointed out.

"I dont know, but the bird one was closest, let's go." The male teacher stated, walking toward the bird noise.

They walked for several minutes before coming across a split in the path.

"Which way?" Kirishima asked, looking back at their teachers.

"There." Midnight stated, pointing to the right tunnel, that was glowing faintly. Aizawa nodded and began walking, followed by the others.

They walked for another minute before coming across a camp, and a crackling fire. They walked around the fire to get to a small tent at the dead end.

Aizawa grabbed the dirty cloth and pulled it off the sticks, only to find bags and empty food wrappers and cans. No living thing in sight.

"What the hell?" Deku mumbled.

"Then what made the bird noise?" The redhead asked, running his fingers through his hair.

"I don't know. But let's get out of here, it's getting late." Aizawa stated, putting the sheet back and walking away, following Midnight and the teenager's.

As they left, someone quietly let go of the stones on the ceiling, quietly landing on her hands and feet, following them. Watching them leave before making a different bird noise. She listened to it echo off the walls as a response came. Sighing she went back to her camp.

Todoroki's Pov

I walked with Mina, Uraraka, Tsu, Jiro, Denki and Sero to Mina's room to have a group therapy session. We soon arrived and she opened the door, letting us all in. We all took a spot on the floor, beanbags, or the bed.

"Ok, who wants to share first? And Kirishima, Deku, and Iida will be joining us soon." Mina stated. Scanning the people in her room.

"I guess I'll start." Denki said. After almost everyone shared, Deku, Kiri and Iida joined along with Momo,who shared what they were feeling. Which left me and Jiro, the quietest people in the room.

"I guess I will go next..." The purple haired female said.

"I feel like it was my fault... that Bakugou's dead. When we were on the rooftop, in the middle of that shootout with Riot, after you and Ishi were down, Bakugou busted through the door. And he told me to take you and Ishi to the camp, to get you treatment, but I was completely fine, I barely did anything. I saw that Riot was getting up and couldn't tell Bakugou! He kept interrupting me! I-i should have told him before the door closed." She yelled, burying her face in her knees.

I thought about what she said. Riot...Riot is why my Katsuki isnt here. She is why I'm suffering. This wouldn't have happened if she didn't fucking kidnap me and Katsuki!

"Todoroki!" Kirishima yelled.

"Huh? What?"

"We've called your name several times dude, you ok? Its your turn to share."

"Yeah, just thinking about ways to end Riot." I growled.

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