Chapter 7

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3rd Person Pov

Todoroki woke up to dim sunlight peering through the window. He checked his phone and saw that it was 5:32 A.M. Sighing, he sat up and saw the Bakugou plushie laying on its side, in his lap.

He picked up the toy and stared at its stitched on features. He stared for what felt like hours. But he didn't cry, he didn't feel sad...he didn't feel anything anymore.

He sighed and layed down again, placing the plush on his chest. Todoroki looked at the other sleeping bodies, his eyes landing on the couple's sleeping happily together.

He growled quietly and grabbed his stuff, getting off the futon. He opened the door quietly and left. He walked down to Katsuki's room, and opened the door with the spare key Kirishima gave him.

He closed the door behind him and placed his blanket and bakuplush on the bed, walking over to the closet and taking a few of Bakugou's oversized hoodies. He sniffed each of them, finding the blonde's signature caramel scent still wafting off the fabric.

It was faint, but enough. He put on the biggest and the one that smelled the most like him. He ventured into the bathroom. Finding cologne, he picked it up and sprayed a small amount on his wrist, and sniffing it.

"It smells like him as well..." Todoroki smiled slightly and sprayed all the hoodies he planned on keeping, and placed the glass bottle and hoodies on the bed.

He looked at the nightstand and saw a picture of Katsuki and his parents, who he had met at the safe camp. He took the picture and inspected it.

"I'm pretty sure his parents would like this more than me. I'll give it to them soon." Todoroki mumbled to himself, picking up all the stuff and taking it to his dorm.

Soon, 6 rolled around and he changed into his hero uniform, spraying Bakugo cologne and grabbing the picture, he left the dorms, making his way to the Bakugou household.

He knocked on the door. A minute later, Masaru opened the door.

"Oh, Todoroki, come in."

"Thank you sir." Todoroki replied, stepping into the house.

"Here, I think that you two would like this." Todoroki mumbled, handing the picture to the brunette male.

"Thank you, would you like a picture of Katsuki as well?"


"Masaru, who's here?" Mitsuki asked from upstairs.

"Its Todoroki, Katsuki's boyfriend. Do we have a picture of Katsuki?" Masaru asked. The two heard some shuffling before hearing footsteps coming down the steps.

"Here, it's the most recent photo of him." Mitsuki smiled sadly, handing the small picture to the young hero.

"What's that?"

"Oh it's a picture of you, me and Katsuki. Todoroki brought it."

"Thank you Todoroki."

"No problem Mitsuki, I just wanted to give it to you before I forgot. Anyway, I have to go help around the city."

"Ok Todoroki, be safe." Mitsuki smiled. Todoroki smiled back slightly, waving before leaving. Once outside the house and walking down the street, Todoroki stopped.

He looked at the picture and put it in his wallet. Walking down the street and seeing Aizawa and other pros by an open manhole.

"Sensei, what's going on?" He asked, walking over.

"Trying to find the person attacking civilian sewer workers."

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