Chapter 8

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3rd Person Pov

It had been one full month since Bakugou had been pronounced dead. Todoroki had been extremely irritable and snapping at anyone at any time.

It had been made apparent that he was extremely jealous of the other couple's, resulting in them not showing affection when around him. Things haven't changed except Todoroki. And finding...Her.

-Flashback to a week ago-

Aizawa wrapped his capture weapon on the running girl, dragging her back toward him. She had just been found, hanging a dead body off one of the pipes.

"Who are you?" He asked, glaring down at the murderer.

"Name's Riot, who's asking."

Aizawa growled when he heard her name. Jiro and Todoroki had told the class about her. The one that murdered their classmate.

"I'm guessing my name rings a bell?" She giggled. Using his capture weapon, he lifted the girl off her feet and walked toward the manhole cover that pros and his class were waiting. It had been slow since most of the cities were rebuilt and running again.

He climed the latter and stood on the concrete throwing her down. Hearing Jiro yell her name in anger, as Todoroki stared at her, fire and ice erupting from his balled up fists.

"Huh, I thought you two died, guess not." She mumbled as she stood, dusting herself off.

"Where is he?" Todoroki growled.


"Katsuki! Where the hell is my boyfriend!?!"

"He's down in the sewers somewhere. Also calm down. I didn't kill him. I had the chance but I didn't." Everyone stood in shocked silence. He was under them this whole time?!

"Hey, when did the apocalypse end?" Riot asked, looking around the rebuilt city.

"A month ago." Deku said.

"A month ago!? So we were sitting in that dank ass sewer for no reason? Huh, explains why I saw you guys so frequently." She said looking back at Aizawa.

"How are you so calm!? Two months ago you wanted to kill Bakugou so badly! How are you acting like none of that happened!" Todoroki yelled, getting angrier by the second.

"Because! He killed my brother, who had a year left to live anyway. He had brain cancer, there was no saving him." Riot explained.

"He helped me NOT kill him." She said, emphasizing the not.

"Do you know where he is?" Aizawa asked.

"Uh not really, if he finds out I left the sewer, he most likely will come out on his own. By the way as soon as he comes out, y'all need to feed him, you can see his ribs slightly." Riot explained.

"Well we're going to have to arrest you, on account that you were hanging a body when I found you." Aizawa stated as a police officer handcuffed her.

-End Flashback-

Todoroki had asked multiple times to go into the sewers with them to find Bakugou, but they wouldn't let him, saying that he could run off and get lost himself.

His mood had improved slightly, knowing his precious blonde was alive.

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