Chapter 9

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3rd Person Pov

Aizawa walked through the halls of Musutafu Prison. He and Midnight looked into every cell, and pod, trying to find the one person that knows where Bakugou is located.

"Riot." Aizawa growled, seeing her in her private cell, laying down.

"Hmm? Oh what are you doing here? Miss me?~"

"No, I would never miss you. Where is Bakugou located?"

"I told you, I don't know. He moves every time I find his camp. I couldn't find him this time." Riot explained.

"Its really taking you a week to find him?"

"The sewers are a maze in itself, and so far your the only person besides Bakugou who can navigate it without a map, and without getting lost." Midnight stated, crossing her arms above and behind her head.

"Listen buddy, those tunnels are miles long. I'm still surprised you guys found me. God knows where he could be."

"The judge is willing to shorten your sentence by a year if you help." Aizawa stated, looking as bored as ever.

"A year huh? I dont think a year would affect a life sentence and twenty years." Riot huffed, laying down on the stone slab again.

"Of course it wouldn't, you murdered seven people. Also a life sentence and twenty years, arent you getting executed soon? If you help we could probably take you off death row." Midnight said with a smirk.

"And what if I want to die?" Riot asked, looking back at the two pro heroes.

"Still, letting two teenagers suffer without the other is pretty low." Said the female pro.

"And what if I didn't care about them?"

"Let's go Midnight, she's useless if she's acting like this."

"Bye bye~" Riot cooed, wiggling her fingers in at the two.

"This is gonna be impossible if we dont have her."

"Oh! A small tip for you! Look on the ceiling!" Riot yelled, her voice bouncing off the walls.

"Ceiling, got it." Grumbled the monotone teacher.

Todoroki sighed as he watched several pros climb down the latter into the sewers.

"Why can't I help." He mumbled.

"We know you wanna help, but me, Midorya, and Kirishima almost got lost in there, it is very dangerous." Iida stated, doing his weird hand movement.

"I know, but I want Katsuki back." Todoroki mumbled.

"Excuse me! How long are they going to be in there at a time?" Iida asked a pro.

"I dunno. Hours probably."

"Come Todoroki! Me and the rest of the class will make you feel better until Bakugou comes back." He said, pulling Todoroki to the other students.

"Classmates! As Class Rep I suggest we keep Todoroki as happy as he can be until Bakugou is returned to us!"

"Ok, should we go get icecream?" Kaminari asked.

"I guess." Todoroki shrugged. Deku wrapped an arm around Todoroki's shoulders and side hugged him.

"Kacchan will be back. I'm sure of it." The two toned male cracked a smile as they walked to the nearest ice cream shop.

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