We're lost

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I am now in the process of editing.


(Jay P.O.V.)

"We've been walking around for hours!! Face it, we're lost" I say.

"I know, I know, but we have to keep trying" Kai says

"I didn't even know that Ninjago city was so big!" Nya says twirling around.

Oh I love her so much.

"Where's Zane and his brainiacness when you need it?" Cole says folding his arms.

I chuckle. Nya sighs.

"I'm hungry" Lloyd says

"Didn't we just eat??" Cole shouts throwing his arms up in the air, clearing flustered.

Oooooo! Mr.Leader is having a temper tantrum.

"Yea but that was ages ago" Lloyd says emphasizing the word 'ages'.

Cole just dramatically rolls his eyes ad turns his attention back to the street signs. This could be a while. I wonder what Zane is doing back at the hotel, I bet he's meditating with Sensei. Seems like something he would want to do especially if it kept him from having to help with rebuilding the city. After the attack of the Overlord, things have never been the same.

Just then, I smash into something hard and fall to the ground. Looking back up, I see that it's brick wall Cole.

"What's up?" I ask, standing up and brushing myself off.

I follow his gaze and see Lloyd slinking off into the alleyway.

"Where's he going?" I ask.

"Distracted by your thoughts again?" Kai asks.

I nod.

"He just said, 'He will return.' Then ran off!" Cole says exasperated.

Nya sighs.

"Guess we'll just have to follow him" she says

Even though I love Nya, and she is my girlfriend, I hate to admit when she is right. I nod. The others murmur an agreement, then we all begin to run after him. Turning the corner, we watch Lloyd easily scale the alley wall and make his way onto the roof. We ninja scale the wall easy enough, but we have to wait for Nya to bolt up the fire escape. After she makes it, we make way after Lloyd. We all run, jump, and roll after Lloyd, until he stops. We finally catch up. Cole forcfully turns Lloyd around, so that he faces us.

"What's your problem? Running off like that?" Cole asks.

Lloyd blinks a few times, then he turns so that he can look over the edge of the roof. Curious, I peer over the edge as well. Across the way stood an abandoned, old boarded up 50-story building, slightly hidden in the mess of skyscrapers and billboards. At the bottom, was a cloaked figure, sliding their way into a boarded up doorway.

"I'm not sure why, but I feel as if we should follow him" Lloyd says, "When he walked past me, I felt this wave of...I don't know something...flush over me. I lost reality for a moment, then realized that I was following him."

We all look at him, a bit puzzled. We were hesitant at first, but then we all decided to follow the figure. We climb down to street level using the fire escape this time, then we go through the same doorway the figure did. Stealthily, we walk through the shadows, the light only seeping in from cracks in the windows, and the walls. The figure easily maneuvers around the debris, and seems relieved to be out of the light. I watch intently as he takes caution to avoid the areas where the light streams in. I silently gasp, is it a vampire. I sideways glance at Nya, and as if she could read me mind, she shakes her head. Dang it.

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