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After few days. U can tell, a week had passed. Soon Nick and I became good friends , as we were partners in study room, then chatted sometimes outside study room. He wasn't only my friend, I got some more too. Annie, Kelly, Sara, Cindy ( I already have mentioned about her, she had helped me on the first day here ), John , Natalie ... Actually the list goes on... Lets stop it right here. I just spoke to many people here. ( wink wink ) .

* Saturday night*

I was on my way to chapel after dinner, with Cindy and Nick.

"Wow! Dinner was delicious." I said licking my upper lip, feeling the taste of pasta yet in my tongue.

"I didn't feel anything." Nick sighed. "It's just the same old pasta I've been eating since grade 5" .

"If u didn't like it, you could've given yours to me as well. "I said to Nick like a hungry animal.

"Geez! You are such an animal." Nick said. Myself and Cindy laughed. Yet I had little sadness that I couldn't eat Nick's pasta or anybody's whoever didn't like it. I just love to eat anything and everything that my taste buds like. Thank god I'm not fat. Hehe.

We got inside the chapel, prayed for few minutes. Nick left, in 5 seconds, I think he's not much into the God thing. I came out after a minute while Cindy stayed. She is very much into Gods' thing, I guess.

Nick was sitting in the chapel passage, waiting for us.

I walked towards him and before taking my seat beside him, I saw something as flashy and catchy as star passing by. IT WASN'T A SHOOTING STAR. It was the most handsome-hot guy I had ever seen before. I've seen hot guys before but not in this boarding.

I kept looking at that guy as he was talking to someone near our passage just 10 steps away.

Nick thought that I was probably homesick, and started consoling me with all the comforting words. I actually didn't hear a word as I was completely dazzled by that guy.

"It's okay! You will be fine in few days." Nick said by patting on my shoulder.

I think that was the end of consoling session as I heard nothing after that.

'Whoa whoa! " Nick waved his hands in front of my face blocking the view.

"Nick! " I held his hand .

Cindy came out too.

"Guys! Whats happening?" Cindy asked with her arms crossed. 

"I think she is out of earth into some pasta land. " Nick said, pointing to me.

It made myself and Cindy laugh out our heads.

Hot guy disappeared and I frowned.

"I'm sorry that I didn't hear a word whatever you had used to console me, thinking that i was homesick." I said to Nick and then said about my flashy-hot-guy.

"Oh my god Poppy ! You found one so soon huh ?" Cindy asked.

"Now missed." I pouted.

"Hurry! Lets go in his direction and I'll tell you about him." Nick said by pulling by my wrist, I pulled Cindy's and we headed towards our study room's direction.

I found him again near my study room.

"It's that guy with black hoodie , talking to a blond near our study room." I pointed that guy out to Nick and Cindy.

"That's Austin from 12th grade." Nick said.

"Wow!" I said and was lost again from normal environment.

Annie and Kelly joined us after dinner and Cindy told them about my new encounter of a hot guy. Kelly and Annie shared a smile.

"Many girls are hitting on him." Kelly said. "He is a super cool basketball player."

" Cool!" I said with my eyes twinkling.

* bed time *

I was still thinking  about flashy-hot- guy, Austin, the whole time. In short we can call him my crush. Awwwwe...

We had a quick wash and brushed our teeth before going to bed.

"You look mesmerized Poppy!"Annie said as she was in my right , while drying our faces with a towel.

"Am I !? "I exclaimed and then came back to normal state.

"Gosh that guy is so attractive Annie." I said as we walked to our beds.

Annie chuckled.

Annie was in my left, Kelly near Annie on her left , Cindy above my head in the near by row and Nick, left to Cindy.

Dylan was in my right.

* Sunday*

On Sundays we are allowed to wake up anytime before 8am which is restricted to 6 am on the other days.

I woke up early, found all my friends were sleeping like dead bodies. I just had a wash after brushing my teeth and got out of dorm. I felt refreshed by the cold breeze as I walked out of dorm, towards chapel.

Just wanted to say Jesus, a good morning. I then sat on small stairway outside chapel that hardly had 3 steps on it. The chapel passage was in the shape of inverted L. I can't see if anybody comes from left as I'm sitting low.

"Geez! " I screamed in fear,  "You scared the shit out of me. "

It was a guy who happened to come to chapel in other passage adjacent to mine.

"You scared me too, with your scream." He said.

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