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Yay! I finally swapped with Cindy in evening. She asked me about it, i said what Dave asked me to tell others. Im so happy.

"Pup pup! Awe I'm so happy that you got here!" Lily squeaked turning back to me as i sat behind her , with Clara.

"Me too. I might've seriously died , if i had to sit near those monsters anymore." I said .

"Let's rock this studyroom down." Lola said with a grin.

"Okay." I said, little louder.

"Poppy do you want me to throw you out of the studyroom?" Dave yelled from the nearby row.

"Sorry Dave." I merely whispered.

'Pup! I had organised something without even consulting with you.' Lily sent a note .

'What's that doll?' I wrote back.

'Don't get mad at me pup. I thought about it more than 1000 times, only then i had done it.' Lily wrote

'Now you are seriously scaring me doll. What did you do?' I wrote.

'Since Sunday gave you really hard time last week, i want this Sunday to be fruitful for you. So....' Lily passed it without completing it. Is she giving me some surprise? God i hope it doesn't give me a heart attack.

'Fruitful? Am i gonna get chocolate shower or something?' I wrote, my eyes widened while writing that word chocolate :P

'I don't wanna write it down. Let's talk before dinner. But promise me now , that you wont freak out.' Lily wrote.

'Okay i wont.' I wrote finally.


"Are you gonna open your mouth now or never?" I asked lily as she dragged me towards grotto after dinner.

"Shhh." She shushed.

"Alright. Poppy listen carefully. You don't deserve the thing that happened to you last Sunday. I'm gonna avenge them." Lily said as we stood in front of mother Mary's statue.

"Yeah I've thought about it already. I've killed them several times in my mind." I chuckled.

"That's not it. I'm gonna get to the point directly please don't freak out." Lily said by holding both of my hands in hers and said, "Austin is gonna kiss you tomorrow by 8pm, in front of Annie BIATCH."

"Whaaaaaaat?" I yelled but nobody was around, "Are you out of your mind doll? How can i? This is ridiculous. We can come up with some other plan, if you wanted to avenge that badly."

"Noooo. I'm okay with this kissing plan. I was the one who came up with such effective plan in the first place. I made Austin agree somehow after a long time of pleading. I even went on my knees.Pup i don't mind at all. I trust both of you with my life. So you are gonna kiss the crap out of that TINY BIATCH." lily ordered me and dragged me again, i think we are heading to meet the guys or gals.

I didn't say a word after her , i was dumbfounded. Jesus , this Lillian is such a maniac.


Gosh! Its Sunday. Im in my hysteria right now as its already 7pm, and I'm gonna kiss my friend's guy like in an hour.

Wow. Wonderful situation to face. Hope i don't pee in my pants when that's actually happening( you know i meant kissing).

I couldn't sense any taste of my food when it played on my tongue for a while before sliding through the food pipe. I don't remember if i had chewed my food or gulped it down.

Austin and Freddy were found very normal as they waved with their forks.

"Poppy are you ready? It's ten to eight. Don't pee in your pants." Lily said as we were walking about near studyroom.

The guys'( Austin and Freddy) dorm was near our studyroom. There goes a small passage to the right of my studyroom, which is split into two, one leads to a washroom and other is the staircase that goes to the guys' dorm.

That small passage was the kissing spot, chosen by Lillian the genius. Because its safer than other places, safer in the sense, neither the brothers nor the sisters had ever visited. And the students won't be around till 10pm   as it's movie time.

"I- um -" i stammered.

"Just calm down. Everything will be just fine. Austin will take care of everything. I had taught him how to kiss." Lily said trying to comfort me.

"You taught him? So doll you guys kissed?" I teased her. She turned red .


"Shut up pup. I have asked Lola and Clara to do their part in front of Annie. If you had forgot, let me tell you one last time. Clara would say ' today is a big day for poppy. Austin is gonna give her a big surprise at 8'. Lola's reply would be ' i cant wait to see that, im gonna hide somewhere around Poppy and see what Austin does'. Lola will come running to us within few seconds. Clara stays in movie room, just in case if Annie doesn't react at first, Clara will do something and send Annie here. Phew." Lily explained her master plan.

"Austin is finally here. I thought he might ditch us in last minute" lily jumped by looking at Austin coming towards us.

"Hey ladies! Ready for the show?" Austin asked with a grin.

"Yup!" Lily stressed that 'p' and nudged me to reply.

"Kinda." I said like a deadpan, "I can see Lola coming towards us."

"Guys, all the best. Do well, i mean kiss well." Lily chuckled and left, "Im gonna track Annie."

Lola winked at me and hid behind the couch that's near the studyroom. From her view, the kissing spot is completely visible.

"Come on! Lets get over with it pup." Austin said as he walked towards that spot and i followed him too.

We stood there ,waiting for a sign from Lola, who is supposed to jump on Annie and try to shoo her away, as its supposed to be portrayed as a secret meeting between me and Austin. Obviously Annie wouldn't go away.

I am so nervous right now. What if Annie doesn't show up? I don't really care even if she doesn't. I can escape from this awkward situation but i wanna taste that revenge part too, i really mean revenge here and not Austin. God he is my friend's guy and my friend too. This s gonna be awful.

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