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Im getting better. It's been 3 days since that epic fall of mine. Temperature is normal but my head injury need few more days for a recovery.

Lily and the guys kept visiting me very often, Clara and Lola did once too. That was so sweet. Clara is a very kind and caring girl, Lola is the crazy and naughty girl. Kelly did visit me too along with Dylan, John and Cindy.

I don't know how I'm gonna face those monsters (Nick and Annie) after getting out of the sickroom.


"Within two minutes you can get out of here, I'm almost done honey." Dr. Joanna said as she was removing the stitches from my forehead and i kept groaning over it.

It didn't hurt, i was just scared about my rest of the skin peeling off along with the stitch. Hehe just my imagination.

Ever since that injury, i didn't go to school for a week. It was nice snuggling in my bed all the time, was boring without my friends too.

Dr. Joanna showed my scar by holding a mirror in her hand, it wasn't so bad though, it kinda looked like HARRY POTTER'S SCAR , not exact replica just a bit. His scar was like Z, mine was just a lower part of Z ,just a line.

We reached boarding, it was noisy, what would you expect on a Saturday morning. Sister Mary suggested to take a walk from the car park. As i walked through driveway, i could see Freddy,Austin, Lily ,Clara and Lola sitting by the chapel passage. As we got closer , i just waved at them. Sister Mary smiled at me and said  "You've got wonderful friends Poppy. Cherish them till the very end. They kept visiting you and even asked me how you were doing!"

Sister waved at my friends too before leaving.

"Come closer, i wanna see your scar. Take your hand off from your head Poppy" Freddy ordered and pulled me closer to him where Austin pulled my hands off.

"No! It's like Harry Potter's scar, isn't?" I said.

Obviously they laughed at me. I remained in same position, when  Annie, Nick and Kelly passed by to chapel, Freddy holding my waist and Austin holding my hand.

I couldn't do anything other than stare at them a bit. I could sense Annie's stomach burning with jealousy or you could say possessiveness on seeing me being so close with Austin. I actually enjoyed ,looking at her shit face being burnt.

"Hey how you feeling now? I missed you." Kelly said by hugging me.

She is such a darling.

"Fine. I missed you too" i kinda cooed.

"Annie, i think your shirt is not buttoned up as it's ought to be." Lola pointed out , as Annie unzipped her cardigan.

I think she wanted to show off in front of Austin,her deep V , but it turned out hilarious. All of us looked at Annie after Lola, the first buttonhole was buttoned with the second button.

The guys and Lola laughed their heads out, but myself, Lily, Clara and Kelly just chuckled at it.

She just ran inside chapel, Kelly and Nick followed her like a puppy dogs. She turned deep red, like a tomato, she felt embarrassed i think. 

"Lola you are awesome." I said and hugged her ,laughing my head out.

"Where you think you're going, young lady?" Austin grabbed my hand and made me stop before leaving.

"To shift my stuffs from sickroom. I'll be back in few mins Austin boy." I said.

"Just stay pup. We already did that work" Lillian said with a wink.

"What? Why on earth you guys are acting so sweet to me." I said and threw her a big hug, Clara and Lola joined in it too.


"Can i talk to you for a minute?" I asked Dave when i happened to bump into him after lunch.

"What?" Dave asked.

"Can i change my place in studyroom? Please don't say no!" I pleaded to Dave.

We do change our seats very often but not permanently.

"Poppy! Anyway you are gonna keep messing around with me,joining those guys Nick, Dylan and others. What's so big deal in changing your seat?" Dave said, "Out of my way Poppy."

"Wait ! Im sorry if i had messed with you , and sorry for what Freddy did the other day too, i really wanna move from that place. Please Dave, i don't care even if its outside studyroom." I pleaded more by making puppy dog face as usual.

"Fine fine. Where do you wanna shift to?" He let me to choose.

God i really don't believe my puppy face's effect.

"Anywhere around Lillian,Clara and Lola." I said by locking my fingers together in front of my chest, like praying in front of Jesus Christ.

"Lillian and Lola are together. Clara is right behind them ,seated with Cindy. I can swap your place with Cindy. Is it enough?" Dave gave me an golden suggestion.

"More than enough. Thanks a lot Dave." I jumped in over joy like a mad women.

"I'll talk to Cindy about it. I'll make her move, it wouldn't be a big problem. If she asks you about it, tell that i asked you to move because i felt you were troublesome in that seat. Get this into your head clearly. Don't go telling people about your request being granted, i don't wanna lose face." Dave explained his theory.

"I won't do anything that makes you to lose face." I said before turning around, "But Dave, you are really way different from what you appear to be. I owe you man."

"Run for your life girl." Dave said with a wide grin on his face and he blushed.

I think no one had ever said something like that to him.

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