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I hit the chapel passage but there were few people hanging around that place, so i didn't wanna get inside chapel and get out of it with a different face due to sobbing.

There goes stairs downwards near chapel passage that leads to the grotto with a iron fence and a small gate, inside which stands a small rock holding MOTHER MARY on it.

I got there in no time and  sat down leaning with my back on the fence, and buried my face into my knees sobbing like hell.

It hurts so bad to know that, some people who had meant a lot to you, actually didn't think of you as a friend at all and used you just for attaining something as a main goal. I really cant tolerate this, i don't deserve to be treated like this.

It started to rain, i think God couldn't see me crying either, he joined me too. I stayed still in rain, lifting my head up from my knees, i kept staring at the church that's situated at the far distance amongst the hills. My tears were no different from the rain drops, they were overlapping ,slid through my cheeks and had an awesome ride reaching the floor.

My tears were completely drained out of my body, had no more to shed. I got drenched , walked back to chapel passage, as i climbed the stony stairs i slipped and had an epic fall.


"Honey you are absolutely fine now" a voice spoke up in my blurry vision.

Am i dead? Is it a dream or is it heaven? Absolutely it cant be hell, nobody speaks so sweet in hell.

"Uh -i - um- who are you? Are you an angel or Goddess herself?" I asked that figure in my blurry vision.

I heard 3 people laughing, and one familiar voice spoke " Poppy dear, you are in hospital. You are alive, no doubt about that. You were found near the chapel passage stairs, with bloodied head and unconscious when i was passing that side. Nothing serious, you are fine now with two stitches above your brows". Its brother Damien.

Now my vision is blurry again because of tears streaming down, i was bit scared when i heard bloodied head.

"Honey don't cry! You are alright. I know you are scared right now. But don't be" lady around her forties with a pleasant face said by lifting my chin up. I think she's the doctor.

I could feel that warmth in her hand, that made me feel 1000 times better than her words.

"Okay! Thanks a lot doctor" i said .

"Thanks a lot to you too bro Damien for saving my life" i chuckled as tears rolled down .

"She is such a sweetheart with her cute words and her expressions" doctor said by hugging me.

"Dr. Joanna don't fall for that puppy dog face" brother teased me.

"Oh come on!" Dr. Joanna said to Bro Damien.

"And honey you are running a temperature. Its because you stayed in rain , so you have to take the prescribed tablets and take complete rest for a couple of days. Its best for the injury too" Dr. Joanna said by looking into my reports.

I just gave a nod.

"Brother Damien please don't be harsh with my sweetheart, by sending her to school tomorrow. She has to be in bed" Doctor said to brother.

"Sure doctor. I wouldn't" Brother replied, " Poppy tell me one of your Friend's name, so that i can ask her to shift your bed to sickroom. You will be staying there till recovery"

"Lillian" i muttered as i felt little dizzy.

Brother Damien left the room to make a call, mostly to the boarding about my shift to sickroom.

"Sweetheart you gotta come back here after a week, to remove the stitches. Don't worry it wont leave a deep scar. You'll be fine soon" Doctor said by smiling gloriously.

Gosh she is really an angel from above.


Lillian's POV:

I feel like flying in the air when im with Austin. I can even feel my heartbeat in my throat. Awe....

"Did you see Poppy?" Freddy asked me as i was with Austin near studyroom.

"Nope. I didn't. What's wrong Freddy?"  I asked with some kinda bad feeling in my heart.

"Nothing's wrong lily. Calm down. She might be hiding somewhere  munching" Freddy assured. My bad feeling didn't fade away yet.

"Lillian you are wanted by sister Mary near chapel right now" some random person told me.

I got there in no time, and found sister Mary and sister Genova near chapel passage. Floor was damp due to the heavy rain for past few minutes.

"Good evening sisters" i greeted them.

"Here. You have received a call" sister Genova said by handing me the mobile phone.

"Hello. Its Lillian" i said.

"Lillian, this is brother Damien. Can you shift Poppy's bed to sickroom within ten minutes after hanging up? And also bring her some warm clothes to change into" Brother said in a hurry.

I was dumbstruck. Whats wrong with Poppy?

"Okay brother. Please may i know what's wrong with her!" I asked politely.

"You can find out on your own when we get back. Bye" brother disconnected.

"Don't worry child. Just go and shift her bed" sister Mary said tapping on my shoulder.

I ran as fast as i could to the dorm, i didn't bother to tell Austin or anyone at that moment until i saw Poppy.

What on earth could've happened out of the blue, when all of us are right here?

Sickroom has 8 cots , four on either side of the room. I chose the first bed near the wall and made her bed as fast as i could and placed her clothes on the small locker near the bed. Should i stay here or go back to Austin and tell about Poppy? I better stay right here , i wanna know what happened to my pup.

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