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Freddy's POV:

Where the hell did she go? Did she elope with an old man or something? Gosh! Im feeling so uneasy inside. Is she avoiding us? No no , it cant be.

I wanna see her now. What's up with Lillian? She had been called by Sister Mary and never returned to us after that. It was so difficult to convince Austin , telling that lily might have been stuck with sisters for some prayer service or some crap, after which we got to dorm.

"Where is Poppy? Didn't see her after dinner" Austin asked me from his bed, that's just beside me, to my left.

"I had been thinking about that too" i replied to him, looking up at the ceiling.

"I don't know what happened to lily too" Austin started again.

"Austin, we knew that sister called for her, so stop worrying. But there is no news about Poppy at all" i kinda yelled at Austin.

"Dude calm down. Im worried about poppy too" Austin spoke up, "Can i ask you something?"

"What?" I asked promptly.

"You like her,don't you?" Austin asked by turning his face towards me, "Like the way i like Lillian!"

What? Just because he has fallen in pit, he thinks even i would?

"Hell no!" I yelled

"Okay! Goodnight then" Austin said bluntly and turned the other side.

Is that it? Isn't he gonna ask more?

What am i thinking right now? Do i like Poppy ? Yeah of course i do but not the way he likes Lillian.

-------------------------------------------------------------Poppy's POV :

God my head hurts so bad. Did somebody place a rock over it? Gosh i gotta pee, brush my teeth and wash my face.

Noooo. Water would be freezing cold right now, it's gonna be the same even after an hour. No use in grumbling now Poppy ,just fight against the cold that's awaiting beyond this blankets.

Im seriously crazy. Did this head injury cause that? Oh no! Im gonna be admitted in mental hospital.

"Good morning dear" Sister Genova's voice brought me out of my thoughts, "How are you feeling now?"

"Good morning sister. My head hurts. It just feels so heavy in there" i admitted.

"It'll be fine soon. Get up and go refresh yourself. Don't be hiding behind your blankets if you wanna get out of this room soon" she said to motivate me.

"Oo- okay sister" i said as i pulled off my blankets and slowly stepped down on my flip-flops.

"You'll get your breakfast as per your normal boarding time, but not the same food. It may be just bread" she said and winked before leaving.

I successfully finished those important works. Yeah! Water bloody damn cold, i kinda froze for 10 seconds.

There is actually two ways to the sickroom, the one right in front of my bed leads to convent so that sisters can visit sick people often, the other way is from refectory's backside ,for the maids to bring in food anytime or for any other help. It's in the right corner of this room, after three beds from me, there goes a small stairway upwards. Up there,  is a small washroom and restroom, beyond the washroom is refectory's back side.

"How are you feeling dear?" Maid asked me as she came with my breakfast.

"Yeah! Im fine " i said with a smile.

"Here. Eat all of it and then drink this milk too. I'll be back to collect the plate and cup after sometime" she ordered me and winked before leaving.

It was toasted bread and jam, no butter. Is sick people not allowed to take butter? Im sad right now.

I had bread slices dipped in the milk, it really tastes delicious. Yummy.

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