The New Body

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This book contains harsh words, fights, and other adult scenes.

The names of people, places and other things in this book are fictional.


Chapter 10

"José? What happened?" Abraham asked while slowly getting up from his bed.

"You passed out, but don't worry, Kyle has made his plan."

"Great! So glad that I could stop him from making his stupid plan," Alvaro said as he entered the room.

"Hey, forget it," said Kyle while smiling.

"Let me guess, you'll tell me to make the plan, right?" Abraham asked while smiling.

"You're better at making plans than him," Alvaro said while looking at Kyle.

"Hey, hold that thought. Abraham, what's the plan?" Kyle said while looking at Abraham.

"I can't think clearly now, give me a few moments," Abraham said while looking at Kyle and Alvaro.

"Okay, let me know if you already have made the plan," Kyle said while leaving the room.

"Make a good plan, Abraham" Alvaro said while following Kyle.

"I want to go out to practice," José said while leaving the room.

     They left the room. Suddenly, Abraham's head began to hurt.

"Arghhh" Abraham shouted while holding his head.

     Abraham's nose suddenly bleeds and doesn't stop bleeding.

"Not again," Abraham said in pain.

     A few minutes later, his nose stopped bleeding and he began to feel better.

     He then hurriedly read the books that he borrowed earlier.

     Meanwhile in Kyle's room, a bird came and gave him a letter and then left the room.

"What's that?," Alvaro asked.

"Finally, why is it taking her so long to just give me a letter?" Kyle said.

"Kyle, I think this body is too old and I'm afraid I couldn't use it anymore. Please, go to the location I've marked and bring me a new body. Love, Barbara"

"Alvaro, can you help me?" Kyle asked.

"Sure, go ahead," Alvaro replied.

"Tell your people to look for Barbara in Hill Forest," Kyle said.

"Barbara the witch? What happened to her?" Alvaro asked in surprise.

"Her body can't last much longer, hurry up" Kyle said while looking at Alvaro.

     Alvaro then quickly took out his phone.

"Bryce, bring your friends and immediately go to the Hill Forest. If you find an old woman there, immediately take her to the werewolves base. Text me as soon as possible" Alvaro said in the chat.

"Hold on, didn't you say I can't go out? Why are you changing your mind now?" Bryce asked in the chat.

"Hurry up before I tell someone else to do it" Alvaro replied in the chat.

"All right 😈" Bryce said in the chat.

"Seriously?" Alvaro said in the chat.

"Sorry, I mean 😇" Bryce said in the chat.

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