Imagine no.1

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            New Girl||Thomas (part one)
HELLO PEOPLE!! This is my very first imagine, so don't kill me if it's absolute shit. Remember to request!!

You woke up in a box. A cold, cramped metal box. A cold, cramped metal box that was about to smash into a glowing red ceiling. You scream and close your eyes, awaiting the crash that didn't come. You open one eye, only to find a face shoved into yours. You jump back quickly, startled. The boy lowers himself into a crouching posting, and slowly moves toward you, muttering reassuring things like 'It's ok, it's just us' and 'Take my hand, you'll be fine'. You crawl forward and take his hand. You see around fifty faces staring at you like you're from another planet. The boy smiles softly. He moves forward and picks you up bridal style. He climbs out the box with you in his arms, and the gawping crowd hurriedly parts. He takes you to a small wooden hut, and lays you down on the bed. He rubs small circles on your hand, lulling you to sleep.
                **Magical Time Skip**
                        2 days later
You wake up to find Thomas asleep on your chest. You shake him awake. He jolts up, his hand squeezing yours. He smiles warmly at you.
" Did you remember your name overnight, girly?" he says. You had been in the glade for 3 days now and you still hadn't remembered your name. You thought as hard as possible until a name came flashing through your mind.
"Y/N. That's my name." you sounded bolder than you felt. Thomas gave you one last hug, and set off for his own hut. You looked around, bleary-eyed. There was an old battered wardrobe and a tattered rug. You got out of bed, and stumbled your way to the wardrobe. There was two pairs of jeans, and three t-shirts.   You saw some underwear on the floor and giggled. There was a note asking if you knew what the bra was for. You put on your clothes, and headed out the door, feeling much more confident than yesterday. Until a teenager that you hadn't met yet, with abnormally huge eyebrows came up to you. He smirked.
"Hello Greenie. Have fun with Thomas last night." he said in a smug tone. Uggghhh. Of course stupid teenagers would assume that me and Thomas had sex last night. You stepped toward the heavily eyebrowed boy.
"You say one more word against me and Thomas, and there will be no more of those stupid eyebrows." you said menacingly. He smirked again.
"Do you need Thomas to come prot-" he never got to finish his sentence because you punched him in the face and walked away. You waved over your shoulder.
"Bye-bye eyebrows!" you shouted.

Comment if you want me to do more!              Remember to request!!!!

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