Imagine no.10

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Secret Love||Minho
Hello!!! This is the end of minhoxtmr request! Have fun!!
Minho's POV
I was still confused about last nights 'incident' that included Alexia confessing her love for me in her sleep. It was probably just a dream, Minho. She would never like you. Ha. What am I thinking, it was probably some sort of nightmare in which someone forced her to tell me she loved me. Yes. That was right. Nothing more. Then why am I hoping that it's real? I like her, but she doesn't like me!
"It's not real, Minho, it's not REAL!!" I shouted, my brain overtaken by the dark thoughts in my head.
"What's not real?" I heard a voice say. A familiar voice.
"Nothing, Newt." I moaned, hoping he would question more. He did.
"What's really wrong, Minho?" he said, his voice insistent.
"I have a massive crush on Alexia, and I heard her say I love you Minho in her sleep, and now I don't know what to think!" I threw myself on my bed.
"Wow. You should tell 'er, love, she probably likes you back." he said, his British accent more pronounced as he spoke.
"Actually, I'm gonna go to.....the bathroom. See ya later!" he said. He had a familiar mischievous glint in his eye, a sign that he was up to something. What it was, I had no idea.
Alexia's POV
"But he's too cute for me, Newt! Way too cute and adorable and addictive and beaut-" I was interrupted by Newt covering my mouth and tells no me that if I was going to continue then I would have to do it in front of Minho. I swatted him away furiously.
"NO SHUCKING WAY, SHUCK FACE! I AM NOT GOING TO CONFESS MY LOVE FOR MINHO!!" Just as I said this, Minho came bursting out the hut, staring at me in confusion. He ran back in, head in his hands.
"YOU SAID HE WAS IN THE MAZE, YOU BITCH!!" I screamed, embarrassment and anger masking my sense.
"I just brought you two together, I'm hardly a bitch." he said pointedly. I stormed away to the hut, anxious to make amends with Minho. I burst in the room, tears streaming down my face.
"Minho, I'm so sorry, I" I was cut off as a pair of lips smashed onto mine moulding with his.
"I love you, Alexia." Minho said breathily.
"I love you too, Minho."
I'm so sad this story had to come to an end! It was so much fun to write!! I have to admit, this was definitely my favourite imagine to write so far. Thank you so much for requesting this, minhoxtmr!!!

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