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I am happy now, and I am so glad that I am. I really needed to be happy for once in my life.
I really want to that a few people for literally saving my life.
First, I'd like to thank minhoxtmr for comforting me when I first announced that I was suicidal and gay. She is amazing and deserves a round of applause.
Second, I'd like to thank book_nerd2005 for getting my sister to realised she loved me, and vice versa. I am so glad to have my cheery sister back in my life.
Third, I would like to thank fangirling_withmybro for convincing me that I was worth something, that I was an amazing person in myself. She got me to push away those suicidal thoughts and plough on through life.
I thanked all these people because they kept me alive. book_nerd2005 was my friend to complain to, minhoxtmr was my shoulder to cry on, and fangirling_withmybro was my cane to lean on. I cannot be thankful enough.

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