Imagine no.12

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Messed up Make up||Minho
Hello humans, how are you? This is the next part of the request by fangirling_withmybro Hope you enjoy!!
Minho's POV
I don't know why I did it. I don't know why I ended it. When I told Thomas he was appalled.
"WHAT THE FUCK MAN?! SHE WAS THE ONLY THING KEEPING YOU TOGETHER!! SHE MUST BE SO HURT RIGHT NOW!!!" he had shouted. It had honestly made me cry. Not in public, hell no, into her pillow in our shared bedroom. Her scent still lingered in the air, her clothes still hung on the rack. It was like she wasn't even gone. But she was. She was gone because I was being a drunken idiot, and because I let my jealousy get the best of me. Thomas was right. She was the only thing keeping me together, the only thing keeping me sane. She was the only thing keeping me me.
Alex's POV
Why. That one word kept echoing through my head, like a reminder that I don't have something to dump my weight on anymore. I don't have someone to care for me. I don't have someone to properly care for. I can't forget that one word. He sounded so heartbroken when he said it. I told Teresa that we had broken up this morning and she went right up to Minho and punched him in the face. He didn't flinch once. He looked so broken now, so broken that it made me wonder if he actually wanted me back. It was so depressing seeing Teresa and Thomas kissing happily on the lookout tower. It was too much for me to take. I decided to go tell Minho that if he was going to be such an ass about that dare, then he should go ask every Glader here if it was a dare or not. When I got to our hut I heard something that I never heard from Minho before. Sobbing. Hard, snotty-nosed sobbing. My heart broke at the sound. I marched in there, and looked at him. He was in even more of a state than me.
"Thomas, if you're here to tell me to go get her back, then the answer is no. She hates me now!" he cried, not realising I was there.
"I don't hate you." I said softly. He jumped up, quickly brushing the tears away.
"What? Why don't you hate me, you have all the right to?" he said, a single tear falling down his face. I stepped closer so our noses were brushing together.
"I don't hate you because no matter how hard I try, I can't." I said. Minho instantly connected our lips, tears of joy flooding our faces. He pulled away, and said breathily
"I love you, Alex." Those were the words I heard every day. Now I wake up happy, eat breakfast happy, run happy. And I don't have to pretend.
I know this doesn't have smut, fangirling_withmybro, but this was too good to ruin with smut. It's pure fluff!! I will make a new story with smut in for you, but for now, byeeeee!!😊❤️

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