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A/n: ;(

Chapter thirteen: Forbbiden Acts

Word count: 1696

"Seems finally things calmed down huh?"

I smiled and nodded at  Sasha before a cadet busted through the doors and screamed at us,

"Sonny and Bean have been killed!"

Spoke too soon...

I was the first to jump out of my spot and ran out of that hell-hole. I instantly thought about Hange. I swung around the corners and ran through the double doors leading to the outside area the two titans were being held.

Hanges heartbreaking wails could be hear down the hall and I ran as fast as I could to her. The second I reach her I drop to my knees and pull her shaking body into my arms, craddling her figure,

"Hey it's okay, I'm here now, okay?"

She just kept sobbing and moved her hands from infront of her face to around my body pulling me tight. I watched as the steam from the corpses dissapeared into the skys.

"Thats it, just let it all out, alright? I won't let you go, okay?"

I smiled, shielding her face from the crowd that just stared at us.

"Do you know who it was?"

Hange shook her head in my chest and I muttered okay before resting my chin ontop of her head.

"I'm here for you alright? Do you want me to bring you to your room?"

I felt a slight nod and I let go of her trying to get around her tight grip to take off my jacket. Once it was off, I wrapped it around her shielding her messy figure from the judgemental eyes.

"Want a piggy back ride!"

She weakely laughed and nodded. She jumped on my back and I locked my hands together after the went around her legs.

She rested her head on my neck and I felt her uneven breath.

Poor thing, she really liked those two... Hange was like my sister, there is no way Im letting her go through this alone.

We got to her lab as I set her down onto her chair.

She must of fallen asleep on the way here.

I pulled my jacket away, rolled it into a pillow and carefully place it behind her head again. I walked around her lab and finally found her cape. I walked back to the brown haired woman and wrapped it around her and soon left the lab.

I went to the infirmiry and found some painkillers. Before I went back to Hange I found myself humming some song from the bar while filling up a cup of water. 

My hand felt cold water rush over it and I frantically moved to turn off the water. I pushed the small metal handle and the water cut off its flow from the nossle. I set the glass down and wiped my hand up and down my white button up shirt.

Okay just hurry to Hange.

Should I stay with her until she wakes up or write a note and resume my meal and train?

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