Chapter: 19

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Chapter Nineteen: I helped...

Word Count: 3551

A/n: Sorry for not updating! Thank you for your patients, enjoy!

Also, FW: Makeout session at the end :')

Your Pov!!

"Now get on!"


"Y/n, I swear to wall Maria, get your ass over here!"

"Ymir. Take them, I'll stay"

"Y/n, please! The tower is going to fall!"

Me and Ymir just stared at eachother, waiting for her to make a decision. She knew what I was asking, and what she would say to respond, will make everyone around us have a mood change. Whether it was good or bad.

"Just decide Y/n!"

My pleasure.

I turned and walked away, deciding for her. I grabbed the last set of blades and gear from my comerade that was laying lifelessly on the ground. Sliding the extras into place and locking a new pair of blades into my handles, I felt the tower start to shake beneath me. I could tell she knew what I was doing and when I heard the bricks holding this already broken thing up being thrown around, my mind was telling me Ymir already took everyone to saftey.

Grabbing the two bodies from the tower, I sprinted to the side, did a finger gun salute the same way I normally do, and basically did a trust fall off the edge as the building crumbled underneath my black boots. Falling for about two seconds, I turned and shot my wires as they pulled me away.

Placing the bodies carefully on the groud away from the naked beings, I flew back to the situation. For every titan, my blades sunks into the backs of their necks, and were drug across their dirtied skin, following my body in motion.

The smart thing would be to turn into a titan, but I can't. For some reason, My body just won't. I have cuts all over me, yet nothing is working.


Titan bodies were steaming on the ground, everywhere, and my body warming everytime I passed through the clouds of smoke. Dirty blood tainting my skin and clothes everytime my blades slashed through those fucking napes.

Over, and over, and over, and over. Until it stopped.

I stopped.

My aching body layed in the grass, I could almost see the steam leaving my breath as I tried to catch it and replace it into my lungs. The pounding from my heart trying to circulate my blood could be felt all together in my body and I just eye all the steaming bodies around me, with mine adding to the hot air.

But I just layed there.

I didn't move, talk, anything. Just sat and looked into the sky and listened to the sounds around me.

The faint voices from far away could be heard calling me, could they not see me?

"Y/n!? Y/n?!"

I pulled the strength I had left in me into my hand the still had the shattered blade in it, and raised my arm up as high as it would go before falling limp at my side again.

"Over there!"

"Get Captain Levi!"


Shuffles around me could be heard along with three pairs of foot steps getting closer,

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