14. lions and tigers, and bears, oh my!

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I place my water bottle between my thighs as I tighten the grip of the elastic holding up my hair.

"Why did we agree to do this again?"

Devin groans as she steps on top of a large boulder. She sits down with her legs dangling off the edge of it, leaning back on her palms.

"Because Estella convinced me who convinced Aaron and then also convinced you," Asher explains as he dramatically rolls his eyes. "Keep up, Dev."

"I'd rather spend the remainder of our last day here swimming or playing foosball... or doing anything else besides going on a hike."

I knew Devin wouldn't want to go on the optional hike. That's why I didn't ask her. I managed to convince Asher to come with me during dinner last night. Then he decided to ask if Aaron wanted to go. Then the two of them convinced Devin to tag along.

There are only about twenty other students who wanted to go on the hike. I've known since before we arrived at the camp that I would be going on it, whether any of my friends would go with me or not.

"You don't have to come if you don't want to," I mumble, kicking around a dirt rock.

Devin ignores me, of course. She likes to pretend as though I didn't exist, which really bothered me at first. But I've finally came to terms with it after a few weeks of knowing her.

"You look like such a professional little hiker," Aaron says with a smile.

We haven't spoken a single word since last night. I didn't know what to say, and neither did he. It's not like I was going to bring it up. I won't lie, breakfast this morning was a little awkward, but since we were sat with Asher, it wasn't really that bad.

So I found him making out with a mysterious girl behind the mess hall. When it comes down to it, it's really none of my business who he chooses to spend time with. Or more specifically, who he chooses to make out with.

I glance down at my outfit. I sport a pair of black yoga leggings, a grey zip-up sweater, and my pair of black Nike running shoes.

"I've never been hiking," I reply. "But like the adventurous soul I am, I like trying new things."

Sure you do.

He smiles in amusement. Before he can reply, a couple of counselors join the group of us waiting to go on the hike.

"Alright group!"

Counselor Mike and Counselor Juliet clap their hands to gain everyone's attention. Fortunately, the people who want to hike definitely aren't the loudest of the class, making it easy for them to explain the rules— or rule— of the hike.

Stick with the group the whole time. No wandering.

Easy enough, right?

Finally, the group heads out of the campsite to explore the wilderness beyond. I'm beyond excited, more than I let on because I don't feel like giving Devin any reason to rain on my parade.

Aaron and I converse throughout the walk. Once the path starts getting rockier and more difficult to get through, I begin to semi-regret my decision of going on the hike.

"Grab onto my hands," Aaron says as he holds out both hands for me to take. The path requires us to leap over a wide stream of water, which Aaron and Asher crossed over without issue.

"No, I got it."

I jump over the stream, not having a much balance as the others did when the landed. But at least I still landed on my feet.

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