25. one of those days

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"You're kidding." I gasp, bringing my Starbucks cup to my mouth to take a sip of my iced blueberry tea.

"I told you I was smart, didn't I?"

I nod my head, laughing in disbelief. He did indeed tell me he was smart. Is smart.

"I knew you were smart," I defend before taking another sip of my drink. "I just, you know— didn't know you were, like, Stanford smart. It's— that's amazing."

He shrugs. "It's on a scholarship."

"Don't try to downplay it, Aaron. Even if they scouted you for soccer, they were obviously also impressed by your academics. I mean, it's Stanford. You have to be smart to go there. You should be proud of yourself."

A faint smile spreads across his face as his bright blue eyes narrow ever-so-slightly. I look down at the screen of my laptop, my cheeks burning with nerves due to his lingering gaze.

"How about you, Estella?" He asks casually, leaning back in his chair. "What school do you wanna go to?"

"Oregon State," I respond. "Going there is the plan, and if not, then I'll probably go to a CSU up north."

I realize how anti-climatic my answer is. Aaron's going to Stanford, for God's sake, and I've decided that if I don't get into Oregon State, it doesn't matter where I go. Either way, all I know for sure is that I want to go far. I don't want to spend another year at home. I don't think I can.

"Oregon." He nods. "Shit."

I shrug. "I've always wanted to live there."

"Yeah, it's... it's really nice. Very far."

"Exactly why I want to go." A faint laugh escapes my mouth.


We're finished with our project. It only took us about fifteen minutes to complete, but we decided to stay for a bit and chat. I won't lie— there have been a few awkward silences. But we've managed to keep up the conversation for the most part.

"So have you bought your costume?" He asks.

I nod. "I ordered it a couple days ago. It's very cute."

He smiles. "I'm not gonna lie— I'm excited to see your throuple costume."

I cringe every time he says it. I've corrected him each time, but I've finally realized that it's no use. Aaron is stubborn and will not stop using the term throuple when describing my trio costume with Vanessa and Madison.



"I think we're done," he says.

"Yeah, we are." I scan through our presentation once more before closing the tab.

"Wanna go?"

No. Not at all.

I nod hesitantly. "Sure. Yeah, let's go."

We stand up from our chairs and collect our things from the small table we were sat at. I close my laptop and stuff it inside the case, holding it in my arms as I wait for Aaron to grab his stuff.

Once he has all of his things, we leave the Starbucks and make our way to his car.

The car ride is silent, the only sound being the quiet music playing on the stereo. I keep looking at him, wanting to break the silence. But I have no clue what to say. Why can't I start a conversation with him?

When I finally want to ask him what he's going to be for Halloween, it's too late. We're already on my street so any conversation would be cut short. I look at Asher's house as we drive by it, noticing the empty driveway. I wonder where he is. What does Asher do in his free time? I'll have to ask him.

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