Chapter 3

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"What have you done to me"? That was a funny question. Still amazed by what's in front of him:
"Jack?? Wait, did this work ?I thought we lost you for good, how did this happen?". He pours himself a drink and turns back to Jack : "want some of it ?"
"Alcohol? At 8 in the morning? Boss you alright?", he answers.
"Yeah you're right. I don't know what I'm doing. Guess I'm still baffled and amazed by what I'm seeing . I need to sit down a bit. Do you feel anything unnatural? Wrong? Anything?",he asks him as he sits on his office chair.
"Other than the fact that I have metal arms and legs, I'm completely fine.
David could feel the sarcasm behind his comments:" There was no other option son. We decided to act quickly. You were heavily damaged after the fight, we had to change a few things in you...
" Change? A few things? Those are funny words coming from you. No no no no no, you didn't change a few things in me." He gets up from his seat and takes a small step forward in the light. Illuminating half of his face and revealing the disturbing changes they made to him. His eyes were glowing a yellow bright light. Half his face was covered in metal.
" No no. You modified EVERYTHING IN ME ."
"Jack I'm sorry. We thought you were gone for good. When your heart stopped working during the surgery we lost all hope at bringing you back. We were half way through it so we dropped everyth..."
"So you left me like a freak??"
"We saved you Jack, you should be grateful. Don't worry about your look we will fix it today,and we will train you tomorrow." He walks towards him: " you have my words. Now, if you want you can stay here the night. Unless you want your wife to see you like this" he jokes.

He returns to the operation room to finish the 'surgery'. He looks at the doctors :"What are you planning to do?"
"Nothing. We just want to finish covering the entire endoskeleton of your head." he replied, "but first we have to kill you." WHAT DID HE SAY??
He couldn't ask them as they immediately shut down his heart. And the work continued.
After a long, four hours operation, Jack was brought back again. This time for good.
"Go to Mr. David. He'll tell you what to do next", tells him one of the scientists as he gets back up. "The important thing is that you have your face back. As for your arms and legs, we are currently working on a live tissue that will support the prosthetic modifications, so for now you'll have to get used to them. Any questions Jack?"
"Yeah. I have this pain. My entire body hurts like hell. Is this nor..."
"Indeed it is. We have pills for that. Anything else?", he asks as he puts the pills on the table. He didn't even let him ask. He rushed through the door, leaving Ryder alone:"Guess it's training time then." He grabs a few medicine and leaves the lab.

In the shooting range, the instructor tells him about his cybernetic enhancements :
"As you may have figured out on your own , your prosthetic eyes enhanced your visual perception of your entourage. They have not only a built in night vision system but also a thermographic system. It can let you see through walls. Look over there." He points to a metal wall in the end of the dark alley." Can you see the dogs through it? ". He looks over there, only to receive not one, but three images of dogs. He nodded.
" That's good. Now let's throw in there a few smoke grenades. I want you to use your thermographic camera to percept them." He leans to the mic: " Lower the wall! Throw in some smoke grenades! ". He could see them, perfectly captured their form. His eyes were working perfectly. " You can also track your enemies, and are equipped with a heart beat sensor. Any questions?"
Nope. Everything was crystal clear to him. "Go to station 2, General Sam is waiting for you."

At station 2, they showcased him the augmentation built in his prosthetic arms. "As you can see, your new 'arms' are armed with two hidden weapons. One of them is the gun as usual. The other one is the grappling hook gun. It comes in three sizes. Depending on the situation that you're in, you change the size of it. The biggest one can support 300 pound and it's connected to a 45 foot long rope, I'm sure it will come in handy. Also you have a built in GPS. It's all connected to your nervous system,so it will take you time to get used to them". He hands him a briefcase full of guns. "you trust me with those? You know I've just got back from the dead.
" No. But I will in a couple of months", he smiles as he hands him a few magazines. He leaves the station and returns to his house. As he opens the door, he hears a familiar voice 'welcome home mr. Ryder. You have two new messages.'
"Play it " he says as he looks through the window to the city skylines.
'' message number one from Zack Lebowski :Hey Ryder, this is umm Zack the IT guy. Umm, I'm calling you to tell you that I changed the code to your 'secret stash' since you lost your memory. The new code is 2064. I also left you a surprise in your garage. Courtesy of your boss. Hope you like it.
He takes his pills, punches in the code. His TV slides up revealing some of his hidden stuff. Weapon, clothes, food, first aids and some money he had collected during the old days as Delta among other stuff. He goes in his garage to look for the 'surprise' , only to see a large box of some kind. ' would you like to hear message number two?'
"Yes please"
'message number 2 from David Dex: Jack, this surprise that I left in your garage is a little something that we' ve been working on for 2 years. We tested it many times to make sure it works properly before giving it to you.'

He reads the note "take care of this baby girl". He opens the box :
"Wow". He takes off the entire box revealing a motorcycle:'' The Hurricane!! I can't believe they gave it to me! ''. As much as he was excited to take it for a ride, he was too tired after today so he turns off the lights and goes to bed.
Next morning he arrives at work riding his new toy. He parks in front of David:"So, I see you got the hang of it." he nodded.
"Why don't you come to my office. We got one more thing for you", he tells him as they enter the building. They enter the room, where a scientist was waiting for them. He was holding a briefcase. "Ah gentlemen, I have the suit. We just have to see it it fits him." as he looks at him. He opens the briefcase to show him the most advanced suit he has ever seen:
"Made from the hardest metal on earth, this sucker would stop anything from knife to bullet. The small kind of bullets, you know pistols and stuff. It's also fireproof and shockproof. This combined with the liquid titanium injected under your skin, you would be an unstoppable human tank. Well try it on, see if it fits you. "

They waited patiently for him. When he got out they were amazed by his look:
" It fits you perfectly, he said". He turns back to David. The old guy walks near him and puts his arms on his shoulders:"you look great son. Now since you've just got back from the dead, I was thinking that you might need a break from everything. One month is good I gue..."
He saw a familiar face appear on the TV :
"Breaking news, a woman's body was found in the river this morning. Reports say that it belonged to Sarah Kyle, the scientist who dissappeared five days ago after the attack on her convoy. Watch NYN tonight to stay updated on the news".
David turns to Jack :
"Break's over son. You have a new job...."

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