Chapter 7

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"And what sort of procedure is it? "
"We can't tell you right now. All I can say is that not everything is what it seems. You'll understand later what I mean . For now we appreciate what you've done for us and we'll gratefully burn all the papers. Now tranquilize him!!"
"Why?? Why wouldn't you tell me everything right now??"
"Because you're not ready for the truth"
They tranquilized him and took him to their car. Then they ditched him infront of the police. He was caught and was put behind bars. A few hours went by, a guard comes up to his cage: " Ryder you got bailed out!"
"By who?"
"Hey Jack."
He recognized the voice so he looked over the entrance, it was Zack :
"Time to go".
They return for Dexcorp for debriefing. David was waiting for him in his office. After he explained what happened to him. They carefully listened for the whole story:
"So let me get this straight. They kidnapped you, forced you to do a job and when you completed it they threw you back on the streets?"
They looked at each other, then at Jack:
"We will connect you to the monitor"

They watched the footage silently, listened to every phrase the man said.
They stopped the footage at the report.
"Get me a photo of that. Jack you go rest, it's been a hard day for you. I'll be waiting for the picture in my office"
They both leave, leaving him alone in his office. He couldn't stop thinking about the report. The autopsy results:
"she had unknown vessels in her body, electric circuit was flowing inside her.... inside her, elect.." Then the thaught hit his mind:
"Oh my God I'm an idiot!!!" Zack!! Before you give Mr. David the photo send it to me.
"Why would I do that? And you're already late, I've just sent it to his office and I don't have time to make another one."
"But I need to see it before him,it's imp...."
"Jack , please report to my office".
He goes up to the office. David was waiting for him in his chair:
"Jack, did you look closely at the report?"
"No, I got knocked out before I could finish it"
"Do you know where they took you?"

Suddenly he receives a transmition:
"Mr. Ryder, go to the exact location where you found the mannequin."
"Boss I need to go home. I just remembered I still have boxes to unpack..."
"Yeah yeah, sure son, we'll call you as soon as we get something new."

He leaves the office and goes to the old building. When he arrives, he was greeted by to armed men:
"Stop right there! Hand us your gun."
He hands them his guns, then proceeds to enter the building.
"Mr. Jack, please have a seat."
As soon as he said it, they throw him into the chair and locked his hands:
"Tell me, do you know what TITAN does?"
When he heard that word, he remembered asking Sarah about before the attack:
"I was about to know until I got killed"

Jack could feel there was something wrong:
"What are you planning to do to me? What does the machine do??"
"Perhaps I might be able to answer all your questions."
This voice was familiar to him. It was a young woman's voice coming from the back of the room. He looked over, there was a woman standing in the dark. She walked closer to him until the light illuminated her face. He recognized that face immidiately :
" Hello Jack."
IT WAS SARAH KYLE ALIVE AND WELL!! He was still shocked at what was infront of him:
"You??!! You were dead!! They pulled your body out of the river! What the fuck is happening??"
"Mr. Ryder we've been telling you that not everything is what it seems. We are trying to keep Mrs. Kyle alive, away from the media, trying to protect her. You and her were our mission from the very beginning."
"Jack you have to do as they say."
He nodded. Later they connected him to the machine and he closed his eyes.
Then it happened:

"An army, waiting in the shadows, ready to conquer the world. A man was standing infront of them. His face was shadowy and he was pointing a gun at him. He told him something : " Jack, you could have been with us. "
As he pulls the trigger, everything goes dark. Then a glowing blue light lights the sky. And everything under him was getting destroyed. He could hear the gunshots and the screaming of people. People were suffering, they were burning from the flames caused by the ravaging war. Next thing he knew, he was standing on the edge of a building, everything around him was on fire. He looked over the city, it was sitting there in ruins, all the buildings were collapsed.
He got down to the streets, there were skeletons everywhere. As he walks in the streets with the remaining survivors of the war, a final explosion occurs, then everything went black again. "

Terrified by the dream, he woke up panicking. He looked around him, he was alone in the room.
" The hell? "
It was only a matter of seconds that the door explodes. Soldiers ran into the room, all their weapons aiming at him. The general walked in the room. He stops infront of him :
"Jack Ryder you are under arrest for treason, conspiring against the US government and leading the uprising against the country."
"What?? What uprising? I am not part of anything I didn't do anyth...."
He puts the gun to his head :
"Tell that to the victims of the bombing at city hall. Men with families, young kids died and brave men died. You're lucky you're still alive right now. Take him away!"
"NO! FUCK OFF!!" He started punching the soldiers, resisting the arrest. One of them shoots a tranquilizer dart at his neck. He fell on the floor, and they put a bag on his head,and he was taken away. A prison...

🌍__welcome to the Ryder-verse__🌎

Sneak peek for what's coming next in the book. Not necessarily chapter 8 😬

[....], he collapsed on the floor. There was a smell, like something was burning. It was coming from him:
"Mr. Ryder, your enhancements need repairs, they are mulfonctioning[...] We intercepted a message between EveClinic and an unknown dealer about a shipment of new augs. We will try to take over the ship..."
"Who are you? Why are you helping me?" [..............]

You can't STOP THE DOOMSDAY Cl0ck:


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