Chapter 8.1

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"As you can see there has been a major explosion at city hall. 7 casualties including 2 police officers and multiple injuries. As, of now suspect is still unknown and considered extremely dangerous"

"I was running through a collapsing building. I was trapped inside it,and knew there was nothing I could do to save myself except one thing. Jumping out of a window, and without thinking twice about this "genius" plan I bash through the broken glass and free fall to street. Right before impact, I always woke up..."
" That's your dream? "
" Yeah"
"And you've been experiencing it since when? A week?"
"Yeah, ever since I got in that machine"
"And how long have you been in here?"
" A week. You?"
"Three years, third degree murder and I tried to escape they added two years, and you...?
" Oh, conspiring against the government and bombing of city hall... "
" Wow man , I thought..."
He was interrupted by the screaming and the fighting between another inmate and three security officers. They punched right in the face to knock him down before dragging him outside:
" They've been taking prisoners for the past two years. None of them returned. Some say they were taken for experiment, some say they were executioned outside. But I believe the first assumption"
"Why's that?"
"Because I've seen them. The scientists. They always came from above..."
Guards came rushing in the hallway. Each one opened a door:
"So how are you asshole? You want a fight like yesterday?"
"No I'm letting you rest for another day"
"Yeah okay." He kicked him in the stomach, leaving him breathless:
"Hey listen. I'm the leader around here. If you disrespect one more time, there will be hell to pay."
"Can't wait for that."
"Take him away!!"
At lunch, all the prisoners gathered in one giant room. Heavily patrolled by guards,it was almost impossible not to talk to others without being watched.
Jack befriended half the prisoners during this week, but also made enemies as well. The only person who he considered his family was this Russian man, his neighbor next cell, they really bonded this week. He still doesn't know how to pronounce his name so he decided to call him Viktor for short:
"Jack, I got an idea. For our escape, but first we need Alex on our side."
"Alex? That guy wants us both dead."
"And that's why we need him. He's a big man he can take a few hits. Tell him about the plan and he'll want to be part of it..."
"So what is this plan?"
"OK wait a second. See these two guards over there. They spend thirty minutes talking about their daily news. You know, sports, politics, women. Then they walk each one on their own, leaving that exact same spot unwatched for the next minute..."
"Where are you going with this?"

"Everybody return to your cell or be thrown in the Room!! "

"We talk tomorrow"

That night, he woke up like every night, still haunted by the nightmares he's been having. Until he heard a new voice :
"Mr. Ryder are you there? Can you hear me? "
" You?? Who are you? How are you talking to me?"
"Mr. Ryder we never left you. We heard everything about your plan to bust out of there. But we might be able to do something a little more stealthy. Like this. "

All power in the facility went out, and his door cell half opened:
" You've got 5 seconds to get out before they activate the backup generator."

He sneaks up behind the guard, and hits him on the head with all his power,knocking him down unconsciously.
"Jack, open my cell. They keep codes in guard."
"I got a better idea. Mister still don't know your name, can you open cell 645?"

The cell opened.
"And please, call me daedalus."

"Alright you go knock that guard down. Take his gun. I have a plan."

Viktor did as he was told. He returned to Jack :
"What now?"
"We said that it should be a stealthy escape? Change of plans, we need to create a distraction."
" I have plan . You go to armory, leave distraction to me.
" Where's the armory? "
" Take left at end there. Then make a  right. Armory is there"
Each went their own way.
When he arrived at the armory, there were two guards infront of the door.
He smashed both of their heads into each other, than took a knife and stabbed one in the leg. While the other one was still getting up, he headbutt him into the glass and leaves him on the floor.
The door was locked. It had a retinal scanner. He took the unconscious guard, opened his eyes and scanned them. The door opened and what he saw was, one of the best things he've seen since he cam back. The room was  loaded with guns. Guns that he didn't even knew existed.
"Time to leave this fucking place"
He puts on a bulletproof vest. He takes a Glock 19, a few mags, an M416 and a few C4. Grenades, gas mask and :
"A smart lockpick? I've heard of these. They will come in handy."
"Daedalus you there?"
"Walk me through the base. Where do I go?"
"First go to the medical lab. There is a friend of mine. Search for a Dr. Gary. Take a left then down the stairs."

As he was about to open the door, one of the scientists saw him. He screamed, alerting the guards. They started shooting at him. He started shooting back at them. While he was reloading, everything went silent. He peeked from behind the cover and saw the guards unconscious.
"Monsieur Ryder, you escaped. I never thought you would. Follow me, s'il vous plais."
"You're French! And a friend of daedalus?"
"Um, yeah sure."
"He told me to come find you before escaping"
"You are escaping? This is the moment"
"Moment for what?"
Then he hears shooting outside.

This is half 1 of chapter 8. It is a real long one so it's divided in 2 parts. Hope you enjoy :)
🌍__welcome to the Ryder-verse__🌎

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