Chapter 8.2

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"The hell is happening?"
A group of guards ran through the hallways, alerting everyone :
"Everyone go to your room. Some prisoners escaped their cells!! Let's go!!
" We are running out of time. If you feel anything strange happening to you, take these pills. "
He hands him the medicine.
" Jack, your friend opened the rest of the gates. It's a war zone in there."
"So much for stealth."

He ran as fast as possible into the room. While the fighting was on the first floor, he was on the third floor, opening the cells of the remaining prisoners. He handed each one of them a gun:
"We need to get to the control room. Follow me."
He aims his grappling hook to the ceiling and jumps down into the fight zone, next to Viktor:
"That was your big distraction?"
"Yes, my brother. I spoke with Alex, he will be helping us."
The room was filled with dead bodies. Inmates and guards were shooting at each other.
A giant man was running through the peacekeepers, bashing each one of them in the walls, knocking them out.
He stops infront of him:
" Alex. "
" No time to talk. We are outnumbered and they're bringing in more troops."
They started fighting them. Hand to hand. Blow after blow, they were getting rid of all the peacekeepers. It wasn't until later they they were ambushed by more men. Grenades were thrown in the room. There were snipers on the upper floors shooting at them. He bring down one of them with his grappling hook. Then the entire room exploded. Everyone within the blast radius was thrown back. Then there was silence.
They send men to look and contain survivors. A few minutes went by:
"Looks like all of them are dead."
"Good. Boss doesn't want him alive."
"You stay here. Keep searching for the body. You two follow me."
They exit the room, leaving him to continue the search. Another minute went by, the body was nowhere to be found. Until he walked pass a pile of bodies. Something shining caught his eyes. It was a metallic arm:
" Got you now you son of a.... "
A knife penetrates his leg. Jack rose from underneath him, looked at him dead in the eyes and snapped his neck. He looked around:
"Alex? Viktor? Anybody?"
"Over here!"
"Shit man, can't believe we survived this."
"We should keep moving before they notice he's gone."
"Yeah. Just let me take a breath."
He couldn't move a thing. It's like his entire organs shut down. Remembering the French doctor's advice he grabs the medicine and consumes some:
"Jack, you alright? You've been like this since you came here..."
"Yup, I'm fine. Let's continue, fast and quiet"

They walked the hallways until they reached a closed door:
"Viktor, how did you open the cells?"
"Hacked them. I can hack this one too, but I need time."
One of the others came forward:
"I can hack it faster"
"Okay you do that. Viktor you protect him..."
"Where is Sam? He hasn't returned with the body. Send Alpha team"
"We need to hurry, they're on to us forget the door. We should seperate, me and Alex will go to the control room and open everything. You should find us more weapons, we're almost out of ammo. Let's go!!"

They each went their seperate way.
"Alex you've tried to escape many times before. Do you know your way around?"
"Yes, follow me."
"No. You go to the control room, I got something to do."

"Jack, where are you going?"
"Daedalus, Garry is still inside, if they find out about him he's as good as dead"
"His transmitter shows he's on the move. He's fast,looks like he's running from something. Take a left and go straight forward, you can cut them"

As he arrived at the end of the hallway, Garry ran right past him. He shot his grappling hook right behind him. The guards hit the line, knocking half of them down. The others stopped and charged at him. One of them tried to headbutt him, which he dodged, smashing his head in the wall behind him. One of the others ran, while the rest were still getting punched in the face. When he finished with them, he shoot his grappling hook in his back and drags him nearer, then broke his neck. He turned to Garry and help him get up:
"Monsieur Ryder, I thought you escaped."
"We will now, together. Daedalus where are the others?"
"They are all gathered at the door. Hurry!"
They ran back to the door and meet up with them:
"What are we looking at?"
"This door can't be left open. One of us has to stay here."
He couldn't hear anyhting. He felt sick, his head started hurting him. He was about to faint:
"Jack? You're getting worse. We should get you out. When will you open it?".

"Done, but I won't be able to...."
He got shot in the head before he could finish:
They started shooting back. Garry turned back at Jack :
"You have to leave. We'll be fine"
He pushed him through the door, and immediately closed it behind :
He could still hear the gunshots as he was running away. He stopped in a dark corner to take a breath. He couldn't see a thing, breath or function properly. He took some more pills. He's running out of them, and had to move quickly. As his vision was coming back,he saw something strange. The floor, the walls, the signs, everything was familiar to him:
He continued walking till he reached another door:
"Retinal scan? Please don't work."
The door opened.
"NO!!! IT CAN'T BE!!!! "
He saw guards, scientists, all wearing familiar clothes. Then he realized what he feared is true....


Chapter 8 finally done. 9 is on the way!
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P.S : Did you get the hidden message in chapter 8? if yes comment what you found out :p

P.S#2 :Chapter 9 will be about the past of a side character 😁

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