Chapter 14

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He had to get to Dexcorp as fast as he could. He looks at the GPS :
"Shit I have two miles to go. Time for a shortcut...."
He makes a hard turn left into an abandoned alley. There were dumpsters and many other boxes in front of him. He fires a grenade at them, dropping them to make room for him to drive.

He arrives back at main street. He could see Dexcorp in the distance, across the bay:
"I'll never get there in time!"
There was heavy traffic on the bridge. He got off his bike, got on top of one of the cars. The traffic continued till it reached the end of the bridge :
"Looks like you need help getting there Jack. Perhaps I can help."
He looks up and saw a familiar hovercraft:
" I can really use some help Karen...."
A bunch of people started running towards him, aggressively :
"The Hell, get... Get away from me."
They all jumped at him, started hitting him. He didn't want to hurt them, since he knew they were under the influence of the signal:
"Karen!! Help!"
She flew close to the ground, allowing to shoot his grappling hook onto the aircraft, pulling him up, up and away from the aggressive citizens.

She pulls him inside and let him rest on the seat:
"What happened? Why were they attacking you?"
"It's that fucking tower over there." He points to Dexcorp. The antenna was emitting a glowing blue light:
"David is encouraging the augmented people to go down to the streets. He's gathering them in one spot and when he activated the signal, they started going crazy. Attacking every person they see."
"Jesus. Do you know why he's doing this?"
"No. I'm just going to ask him personally."
His telecom is back online. He heard his friend's voice talking to him:
"Jack? You there?"
"John?? Are you okay? I thought you were dead."

" Yeah. Zack attacked me, so I shot him . But don't worry, I only shot his knee. What's happening Jack? The whole World has gone mad. I am receiving signals from across the globe. And are you watching the news?"

" Jack come check this out!"

He walks to the cockpit and sat next to her . She showed him the news:

"As you can see, there has been an explosion near the police department , suspect is being chased by the police."
"The riots in the streets of New York are becoming more and more aggressive as the clashes between NY's finest and the revolutionist continues.''
"Revolutionists lit on fire hanged mannequins of the leaders. More protesters walked to the..."

BOOM !!!!! He hears a giant explosion:" The fuck?"

''Looks like the crowd fired a missile at one of the bots patrolling the area! Police have opened fire on them ... Jason let's hide..."

" Jesus it's getting out of control really fast . Karen I want you to fire a missile at that  tower."
She fires one at the building, only to explode mid air. Beep, Beep, Beep, her radar shows two missiles coming directly at them : "We are being locked on Jack..." But it was too late, the rocket hit the engines:
"Jump Jack!! "
And without hesitation, he jumps outside and lands on a building. He watches in terror as the plane crashes on the ground. Fire was coming from the crash.

At dexcorp:

" Hello citizens of New York. I am speaking to you, to tell you that all of you, are victims. Every single one of you had been stolen, by your precious government. Listen to me everyone, we won't tolerate with their actions....."
He looked infront of him, where they wrote his speech. The room was filled with important people. Men in suits, cyborg like men and many others. They were all watching David as he finishes his speech. Some of them decides to leave:
" David we are taking off soon. The choppers are on the roof. Mr. Tony will be pleased that the plan succeeded and when you finish your speech, turn the device on."
They leave the room, leaving him alone with Sarah and a few other men. She was tied up in the corner, dried blood covering her face. He takes out a few papers from his drawers and continues his speech:

"Like I've said, the government has been stealing from you. Every one of you, citizens of New York, has been stolen in some way! I... Have the documents to prove this!! Everybody! I am asking everybody who was a victim of the corruption, to go down to the streets, and fight for justice!!"

" Cut! Let's go Mr. David, chopper is waiting for us. "
He takes out a device from his pocket:
" Let Cronos unleash chaos upon this world. " as he presses the button.
He walks towards Sarah, looked outside the window. A minute went by, all he could hear was nothing. Absolutely nothing. Everything went silent. Then he could hear gunshots in the distance, people screaming at each other. He looked at Sarah and said:
" Today, we change the course of the world. You know, when I got on Titan  it showed me my fate. And I know how this will end, for both of us. There is just one more person missing...."

He looks outside the window. He sees a strange aircraft flying towards the building. It fired a rocket at them, which exploded mid air:
"Sir we are under attack! I repeat we are under attack!!"
"Well. Looks like our missing guest finally showed up. Take it down!!"
They fire back at it, hitting one of the engines. The plane started spinning in the air until it crash landed on the ground. Black smoke started coming out of the crash site:
"Atleast we slowed him down. 02.... finish him. And you are coming with me!"

He takes her by her hair and starts pushing her infront of him. He got to the roof, still holding Sarah by her hair, gun aiming at her head. They entered the helicopter and flew away....

Jack entered the building:
"Jack the tower is on the rooftop of the building. Shut it down quickly and I don't care how you'll do it."
"Roger that. And I think this is a bad time to tell you this but I left my bike in the bridge. Could you...?"
"Yeah we got it's location. Sending a team now."
"Now if you excuse me, I got tower to destroy. I took some explosives from the...."
He hears a loud explosion from outside: "NO!!!".
The crashed plane exploded:

Author's note :

I won't be uploading any chapters this month because I have exams :(
Until then, I'll try to keep you updated on new chapters. Until then...

Chapter 15 will bring Jack one step closer to the last fight. Will he be able to stop cronos? Where did they took Sarah? What does Tony want?

All these questions will be answered..... Soon maybe??

And watch out. There are some "missing files" out there :p

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