Chapter 4

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"Ever since I was a little girl, my father always told me to keep moving forward. Never left or right.
I remember this one time when he was working on this machine, his proudest creation, he called it TITAN, said it was able to look forward in time, predict your future if you want. Like all little kids I was very curious to look at adult me, to know what the future holds. But he always warned me about using such device: "You must never turn this machine on with you connected to it. Only certain people could use it."
Back then I didn't know what he meant.

17 February 2031:

I remember this day because I couldn't sleep that night. 17 February, a week since my mother died, I woke up in the middle of night, I was 9 at that time. I remember that my father was working late in his office, leaving the lights turned on. As I walked through the alley I saw him sleeping in his office. Of course he was still working on his 'beautiful machine' . As I recall correctly he left it on that night and me, still a young girl that was curious about her future, decided to try it. As I was about to connect it to my brain, father woke up. He yelled at me, telling me not to do it, screaming that it wasn't ready. But it was already too late. I saw something: a man, glowing in the dark. Behind him was an army, waiting to unleash hell on earth. He smiled at me, looked at me right in the eyes and said:"What happens here today, will change the World forever". Then it happened. An explosion, took the lives of all the people in the city, leaving it in ruins. Then, darkness took over the world.

Then I heard my father's screaming. When I woke up, I saw him laying on the floor. The machine malfunctioned as he was trying to shut it down and got hurt. He couldn't move his arms and legs, he was paralyzed.
This is why I remember this night. It changed our lives forever and left me questioning my purpose on life.

18 June 2042:

That day was my father's untimely death. He died of a heart attack. When I first heard the news on national television I was shocked. The funeral took place at our old mansion. Thankfully the family that bought it let us burry him next to my mother. He always wanted to reunite with her and I made sure of it.

14 July 2042:

Someone knocked on the door. When I opened it, I saw nobody. Then I looked down and saw a small box sitting there. There was a not on it "for my princess". Tears started running down my face as I opened it. It was an old picture of me and my parents with a message "turn the picture". On the back was a serial of numbers. Like a code or something. I didn't know why they were written or where do I put them,but I felt that they were important. I also received a book,it contained my father's work. Everything about TITAN was there in addition to some of his other projects with the message 'I trust you'. I immedietly knew that he trusted me to finish his job and so I shall do it.

2 weeks before the attack:

I've been working on TITAN for the past five years and I finally finished fixing it. When my father created it, he said that only special people could use it. It's been sixteen years since that horrifying night. For sixteen years I couldn't sleep at night thinking about the vision that I had . Every night I heard my father's voice "certain people could use it....". Back then I didn't knew he was talking about enhanced people but now, after I've modified it, it became available for everyone to use, normal and augmented individuals. In collaboration with Dexcorp, we were about to launch it worldwide after a few months. Mr. Dex even tried it in front of me. When his vision was over he woke up worried about the future. And I don't know what he saw but he seemed bothered by it. Anyway, he set up a conference for me to showcase it for everyone. It will take place in a couple of weeks and he provided the transportation, security, pretty much everything.

A few minutes before the attack

Mr. Dex's chief of security team started talking to me. He was asking me about TITAN. About it's purpose, it's goal. When I was about to answer him when I heard a giant explosion occur, the car infront of us flew in the air while it was on fire. Then the attack happened. Minutes later, everyone was dead. It was moments until they started walking towards me. I heard one of them talking to the others " Do not kill her, she's helpful." Helpful for what? What did they want from me? Lots of questions were going through my head. When they arrived at my car and broke down the door, one of them looked right into my eyes and said : "Put it on your head" as he throws a bag on the floor. "Boss needs you".
As they were dragging me to their vehicule I heard one last gunshot. We drove for two straight hours, not a single break. When they finally stopped the car, they opened the door and pushed me out. I could feel someone is standing infront of me, as their shadow covered the light. They sat me down at a chair and uncovered my head. I couldn't see the guy infront of me nor my surrounding. Everything was pitch black: "What do you want from me?"
" I want something that you've been working on for 5 years. I need it as soon as possible." he walked out of the room.
"Take her to her room",he ordered.
I knew that he needed TITAN. I also knew that when I finish building it for him he would have me executed. I couldn't risk any chance, so I decided to go as slow as I could.

After three days of working in their lab, TITAN was almost done. I know I said I was gonna build as slow as I can but they caught my act and threatened to kill me.

At last it's done. A new prototype of my father's creation. Modified for him and a certain Mister X to be able to use.
He walks toward me, holding a gun in his hand: "You know we have to kill you now. Thank you for your cooperation." as he points the gun to my head " close your eyes".

Then she hears a shot.

Working on chapter 5 as I'm publishing this chapter. Hope to publish it tomorrow but if I'm late I will publish it with chapter 5 on the 11th. Thank you for your support❤️❤️
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