Chapter 5

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"As it was reported earlier today, a body was found in the lake. Reports confirm that it's indeed Mrs. Kyle's body"

David hands Jack his gun and his radio transmitter. " You go to the crime scene. Look for clues, anything that the killers might have left behind, even possibly look at the body for anything. We have to know what happened."
"With pleasure boss" as he leaves the room.
"And don't forget to turn on your transmitter !!"
He drives the Hurricane to the crime scene. When he arrives, he was welcomed by the police:
" you must be Mr. Ryder... the detective hired by Dexcorp?"
"Yeah that's me. Where's the body?"
" In a rush huh? This way please"
On their way to the lake, he began explaining the situation:
"This morning we received a phone call from an unknown person. He told us that he was going to shoot her than throw the body in the water at 5 this afternoon. Of course we didn't believe him at first, then we heard the screaming of a woman so we decided to act act. Our teams arrived here quickly and waited for him. Later the news reporter arrived, saying that they received a letter as well. Looks like the killer wanted the world to know about her death. "
They arrived at the scene, the body was still on the ground.
" Take a look", he tells him as he leaves.
As he approaches the body, he hears a voice in his head: "Testing. Testing. Jack can you hear me? We should have tested the telecom package at Dexcorp not during a jobbb".
He knew if he didn't answer, he would have to hear his voice during this entire investigation: "I can hear you just fine Zack. What do you want??"
"Nothing. Just wanted to check if your telecom package is working,which it is, so I will leave you looking at that body. Which is disgusting by the way. Yikes!"

Jack was surprised: "And might I ask how did you know about the state of the body? Are you watching me??"

"Oh yes we can see right through your eyes. Your eyes have a built in camera. We're receiving the footage live as we speak. And STOP BLINKING!!! I'm trying to get a shot of the scene."
A built in camera? They're monitoring his every move, invading his privacy:
" Well that's not very nice of you. You're invading my personal space. Can you turn it off please? Maybe I want to go to the bathroom right now."
"As exciting as it looks, I would love not to see it happen. But you are a ten million dollars weapon now, we can't lose YOU. And you could always do it with your eyes closed if you wan...."
"OKAY I got the picture now can you shut up??! I'm trying to find out what happened to her"
"Okay I will shut up. Just keep us updated on the...."
He shuts down the transmitter : "They're gonna kill me for this but FINALLY some peace time."
He looks at the body very closely, there were marks on her neck and arms: "Looks like he didn't just shoot her, he strangled her first. She survived the attack than he shot her. What did he want from her?"
He touches the body. It was still warm and wet: " Judging by its temperature she died like six to seven hours ago. Meaning he executed her right here. All while the police were patrolling the area? Something's not right. "
He looks carefully at her for one last time. Then he sees a note: "Fuck. How did I miss this!?"
He takes the note and opens it. Sadly he couldn't read it since the ink was half gone. He turns his transmitter back on:"Zack take a look at this."
"Oh what the hell is this? A note?"
"Yeah. I need you to analyze it and make it clearer...
" Done. Jack this is an address and a time. 72th street, Queens, 19:00. That's in half an hour."
He rushes back to his bike and leaves for the rendez-vous. There was heavy traffic on his way so he had to drive on the sidewalk. Finally he arrives at the destination. It was an old, abandoned building and the door was already open when he got there:
" Jack. I'm picking up someth.... Be careful.... Ja... You"
"Zack? Zack ??!! Fuck it".
He enters the dark room, holding his gun ready. There was a chair in the middle of it and a projector. He could perfectly see a dark silhouette sitting on the chair, "please don't be another body". He walks closer to the body, luckily it was a mannequin. There was another note attached to it's face : "You failed at your job". Why was it familiar to him?
Suddenly the projector started playing a video. It was the footage of his fight with the mercenaries minutes before his death. While watching the video, everything rushed back to him. The attack, the mercenaries, the horrifying reveal. Everything!!
He rushed outside the building desperately trying to call Dexcorp:
"Zack! I remember everything!"
"Jack what happened? We couldn't talk to you nor we couldn't monitor you. You remember everything? Report back to base",and turns the transmitter off.
As he was getting ready to leave he sees someone standing in the dark. His face was familiar to him. IT WAS THAT GUY THAT RESURRECTED HIM.
The other guy stayed silent. He slowly walks away from him, but when he tried to follow him, he vanished in the dark hallway.
"Shit where did he go??"
Anyway he didn't have time to look for him. He had bigger problems to deal with.
Back at Dexcorp, David and Zack were waiting for him in his office: "Found anything interesting in that old building? Other than the note and the video?"
"Nope, just that. I couldn't receive any message from you. There was some sort of a radio that was blocking the signal."
"Okay that's fine. You said that you saw the footage of you dying? And the car in which they took her?"
"Yeah it was a white mini van"
"Okay here's the thing. We can connect your brain to a computer and we can see the video ourselves. We have to see this clip."
Zack takes out a small cable and connects it to his occipital lobe. As they were watching the recordings they could see the van.
" Stop it. Zoom in on the plate. Could you make it clearer? "
" Yeah of course. There, is it better? "

"50N0R9 "

David turns to Jack: "Sadly we don't have the entire car database. You have to go to the police station and ask them about it. Talk to James, he's a friend of mine. "
"Will do boss."
He leaves the building. He turns to Zack: " I need you to hack the GPS system of this van. Find out about it's whereabouts. Anything that helps us with this case."

🌍--welcome to the Ryder-Verse--🌎
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