Chapter 16

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"I'll send you the location but first go to this address. It's our second hide out. I have a few things that will help you out in this raid."

He flies to the hideout. He could still see the chaotic city under him. Dexcorp, the crash plane , the streets that were still filled with chaos, people running for their lives as the police starts hunting them. He hears the sounds of helicopters behind him, and  sees a huge convoy of trucks driving downtown:

" Jack!"
"John! What's happening??"
"It's the government  Jack. They are taking augmented people away from the city. They are transporting them to.... You know what? I'll connect you to the news......
Countries around the globe are rushing in taking augmented citizen into custody. Since the deaths reported crossed over five million, governments blamed the modified for this horrible number that keeps on growing.
Reports say that everyone is being taken to an isolated city.... Where are you? "

" On my way. "

After a few minutes off flying, he arrives at the hideout. He lands on the roof and goes inside:
" Finally you're here. Nice.... Wings? Anyway here, take this suit . I've been working on it for the past five years. It still need a few things but.... you'll need it."
He hands him a briefcase containing the suit and he continues explaining the new gadget :

"It's a hyperactive camouflage. It measures the light and projects it on the opposite side of your body."
Confused, he looks at John :
"I should know what this means?"
"It turns you invisible Jack!!!"
"Oh cool, thanks man . Anything else?"
"That's pretty much it. Good luck..."
He nods and flies away.

After flying for a few minutes, he lands on the roof of a building. The stealth suit mulfonctioned

"You're close to the location. The warehouse is on the other side of the road. Don't die Jack!"

"You won't be able to sneak in with that."
An old man comes out of the shadows: "They are guarding every entrance. "
"I need a way in. Someone I care about is locked in there."
"Is it the young woman? Poor girl. The moment they arrived here with her, all I could hear was screaming."
"I need to find a way in man."
"I can tell you how. I used to live in this warehouse, until the fire."
"What happened?"
"I don't know much. Only the person responsible was never caught. Anyway, listen carefully to what I'm about to tell you...."

They talked for five minutes. The old man takes the suit, modifies a few things with it then gives it back to Jack :
"There! All fixed."
"Thank you...?"
"Oh... Peter."
"Thank you."

He flies above the warehouse. They start shooting at him with their mini guns. He dodges them, and lands with all his speed, on one of the shooters, slaming him on the ground. He flies again above them, this time he shoots back. He takes out a grenade and throws it at one of the cars. It explodes, taking out with it a few other soldiers. The remain fighters ran away from the site. It was just him all alone in the open.

He thermo-scans the entire building:
"Scan shows there are more than a dozen hostile on the fourth floor. Why don't you break in from the third?"

He flies around the building once more, then with all his speed, crashes through one of the windows.
He watches through the ceiling, the men gathering at the door, armed and ready to shoot him. He plants an explosive charge, right under them and activates the stealth suit.

As he detonates the explosives, he flies through the hole, while some of the thugs fell underneath him. He activates his magnetic

He stands on a wooden plank above. One of them fires through the hole, not knowing he was above them.

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