Chapter 11

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It's been a day since the building has collapsed. Everything was all over the news

"We still don't know what happened to Dexcorp. All we know is that the police are after a suspect named Jack Ryder. If you see this man, please contact NYPD. As for the dead count the number is still low, eight dead and two injured were taken to the hospital. "

" Shit man you are wanted by the police. We are fugitives of the law!"
" Not just the police, the FBI as well . "
He hands him a newspaper. The headline of the first page said it all:
" Dexcorp building collapses: terrorist attack?
Under it was a picture of Jack:
"Suspect is armed and extremely dangerous. Wanted by FBI"
" Hope it's just them for now..."
John enters the room:
"Gentlemen,how are we today? Jack, could you..., walk with me please?"
They walked together to zack's new work place:
"Tell him zack..."
"Well when we hacked into Dexcorp, we got our hands on all of David's projects. There is this one file that we cannot access...."
"So you'll be flying to Hong Kong!"
He looked at both of them in confusion:
"Look, the file is incripted. The guy who's done the work is still out there. We found phone calls between David and an individual codename Koios. We tracked his phone to a district in Hong Kong...."
"Even if you found the man. How am I supposed to travel to Hong Kong? I got the FBI on my tails."
"That's fine. Karen will take you there... Meet her on the roof. We'll brief you on your way over there."
He hears loud engine noise outside:
"Ride's here."
He got to the roof and saw the woman standing infront of the V-22 Osprey:
"You must be Jack. I've heard so many things about and I can't to begin working by your side."
She sounded funny, like a little girl . They got on board and sat each in their seat. He looked at her:
"Can I ask how old are you?"
"Old enough to pilot one of these things..."
The sound of the engine was so loud he couldn't hear a damn thing:
The flight was long. They departed early in the morning:
"Jack remember, Wan Chai district.
When you get to him, make him remove the incryption. Then eliminate him. If possible."
Why would he kill him. He won't do it.
"Hey spy boy we are almost here. Wan Chai district.... God this brings back some memories. You know, I'm familiar with the place. If you need any help just call me."
He looked outside the window and the it was,Hong Kong. It was divided into two cities. The first one being on the ground while the other one was floating above it:
"Son of a bitch! They want me to find him.... In that??!!"
"You'll see it's pretty easy to find your way around there. Hey listen, that address that they gave you, it's in the middle of the district. I'll drop you down in an open space."
"You don't have to", he sais as he jumped out of the chopper.
"Did he just...". She looked at him as he landed on a rooftop:
"Okay, I'll take this. Hey jack when you're done with the job, meet me here... Where you jumped... "
He used the staircase to get to street level. He then started walking towards the center of the district. On his way, he saw some terrible things.
Some people were homeless, living in the street. They were begging for help, money, food. He walked to one homeless and asked him what happened:
"They stole us! Up there. People who are important to society. They don't care about us, poor people."
"What do you mean?"
He ran away:
"Karen what does he mean?"
"As you know the poor people live on the ground. The part of the city which is above it is restricted for the elites. You know: politicians, executives, rich people. As long as you had money, you had power. Jesus this world has changed."
Jack was started getting tired. He phones John :
"I'm tired John. I've been walking for the past thirty minutes and I didn't find the place..."
"Jack you're actually close to the place. Take a left and go up the stairs."
He looked left and saw an army checkpoint. He walked closer until one of them stopped him:
"You can't come in. Restricted area, authorized personnel only."
" Can i ask what happened?"
"What's happening here?"
Another soldier appeared out of nowhere:
"" It's okay soldier. I'll take it from here.....Can I help you sir? "
" What's happening here? I wanted to visit a  friend of mine. He lives in that building....
"Sorry. You can't come through. Any unauthorized personnel will be shot on sight."
He walked away, knowing that they were after his guy:
"John, something's not right. Chinese army, interpol and UN are here. They're after our guy as well."
"Shit! You have to find him before they do. Or else God knows what's on these files....."
"Sorry for annoying you..."
He turned around to find a young man:
"I couldn't help hear conversation. I think I help you. But you help too."
"With what?"
"There is gang here. They want money back from me. Help me fight them. Then I tell you where is your guy."
"Pass... thanks..."
He walked away:
"John, I have to get up there."
"Well you can't. Want them to hunt you down as well?"
"A risk I'm willing to take to find out the truth."
"Hi, me again. I tell you where he is but you keep it secret"
"Okay, sure"
He wrote the place on a paper, and left the place:
"Karen, where is this Kzong Underground?"
" Why you wanna go there?"
" This dude told me that he knows the hacker's place. This is the place"
" I figured. Well it's in a place where you might wanna throw your shoes afterwards..."
He went down the ladder into the sewers:
"Funny. It doesn't smell in here. Looks like people live here.
Hey can you help me? I have to find  this place?"
She looked at the paper and pointed to a straight tunnel:
He walked this "road" till he reached a door with a red light. He knocked on the door and waited. When it opened he was greeted by a man. A familiar man actually:
"Wlecome! To my humble house. I've been waiting for you."
"You ??"
"In the flesh!! What can I do to help you?"
"You incypted a file. For Dexcorp..."
"Mhm yes I did. And I will decrypted it for you. But.... You don't kill me like your boss told you to. On the contrary you protect me from the guys who followed  you."
He turns the TV on to show him live feeds of the outside. More than a dozen men were on their way. He hands him a gun:
" Here, I trust you. I'll pack everything I'll need. Or we can do something else, like sneek past them?"
" And how you're planning on doing that?"
"With these!"
He hands him a mask. It was yellow and made out of metal:
"And you don't think that they will be suspicious about us?"
"No, trust me."
They wore the masks and exited the room. They walked pass the twelve men, without alerting a single one of them. When they got out of the sewers they take off the masks. Jack was amazed, at the same time terrified:
"What the hell?!"
"No time to explain give me the files."
He gave him the flash drive and he started working.
A few minutes have passed. He turns to Jack, proud of himself:
"I've done it. You should check it out."

"Look, he has secret files that no one should have. Satellite images, FEMA, Jesus he even have files about the government. Fucking hell who is this guy?"
Jack took a minute to look at the files:
"Can you open family?"
"Yeah, sure."
They accessed the file. Jack took his time reading it:
"JESUS!!! I have to talk to John. JOHN CAN YOU READ ME??"
"Yeah, what's going on?"
" I cracked the file. Jesus John he's been lying his whole life. Hey you, give me that drive. I'm returning to New York right now you have to come with me"
"You haven't killed him yet??"
"No we need him. John listen man, FEMA, United Nation, FBI, CIA, everything it's all a lie...."


P.S : I know the picture is bad but this what I could do in 15 minutes😅
Hope you enjoy this chapter. 🔐

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