Chapter 13

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When she looked up and saw his face, she screamed at him:
"NO!! Get away from me!!"
"I don't have time for this sweetheart. Take her away X02!"
He stepped back, making way for a more frightening mercenary. That one was two times bigger than Jack. He was wearing a full body armor suit, with guns coming out of his hands. He had one eye that, they didn't even tried hiding it from the public's eyes, glowing a red bright light. He walked slowly near her, crushing every piece of glass under his cybernetic legs.

As he walked closer to her, she screamed louder, begging anyone to help her. Jack woke up to her scream. He uses his heat vision to locate everyone.
Some were under the wreckage like him, others were on the surface, still unconscious. Those who were up on there feet were considered hostiles, and he could see more than a dozen:
"Shit! There are so many of them..."

He stayed calm, and waited patiently for them to leave. He knew he couldn't attack them. Not with this many soldiers.
When the big guy reached Sarah, she started kicking and punching and screaming. He chuckled, before punching her in the face and knocking her down. He then lift her up and carried her outside:
"Be careful with her, Mr. Tony wants her alive"
Jack could still hear David's voice:
"Destroy everything. Don't leave a goddamn thing for them"
He leaves the now destroyed building, taking Sarah with him.
The soldiers leave as well. He waits a minute before getting up, making sure it was safe for him to get up:
"Alex?? Oh thank God you're still here I did not want to dig you up again."
"John. Over here! Those bastards attacked us and took Sarah with them. I have to get her back..."
"And how are you planning on doing it? Didn't you see what just happened to us? We need time to recover from this..."
"We don't have any more time John. Didn't you see that timer? We've got two days to stop them, maybe even less since now we know what they are planning to do."
John takes out his phone. He punches in a number:
"Who you calling?"
"A friend of mine."
"Did you guys hear David when he called the guy? X02? Like Aug 02.... I thaught that was you Jack."
"Well that's what I thaught too Zack."
"And who's Tony?"
" I DON'T KNOW ZACK! I don't know anything now..."

They all turned to John, waiting for him to talk to his "friend" :
"... yes. Get ready, we are attacking sooner....When? Like tomorrow. Your people will meet my people in front of Times Square....okay we have a deal."
He hangs up the phone and sits next to Alex:
"Listen to me boys, I have a plan. My friend has eyes in the sky. They are watching David right as we speak. Jack, you remember in the old building when you shot ''David"? It was an image right? "
" Yeah. And? "
" What if I told you that the entire building that collapsed was just an abandoned building? Everything inside it was just holographic images.... "
" That's impossible! I was talking to everyone there... "
He stopped talking, remembering everything weird that had happened to him while he was there. The day of attack, how David was acting strange, how everything disappeared for no reason when he was with Zack:

" But that's not possible! How did they bring me back to life in an abandoned building?"

" I never said that you weren't resurrected inside the real building. Just everything after that was happening in the old one... Now is not the time to explain everything to you , you have to find Sarah. We got something for you."

He hands him a key. It was familiar to him: "No you didn't!!!"
He presses the button and heard it. That familiar sound : "The hurricane!!"

"Remember when you ditched it? we took it back and modified it. We added a few weapons to it including rocket launchers, grenade launchers, machine guns... Basically everything you might need. Now go!!"

He ran outside, hopped on the bike and drove away. When he arrived downtown, there was fire everywhere. People were protesting against the corruption, peacekeepers were deployed in order to maintain peace in the streets of New York:

" The hell is happening here? Hey, you.... what happened?"
"You don't know? Turns out the government was stealing from us man!! US!! The poor people. I don't have anything man. I got children to feed, a family to look after. They... took... everything !!"

"Jack you hearing this?"
"About the government? Yeah this man just told me a few things...."
"Not just that. You better look at it yourself."
He links a video to his telecom. It was David, talking on live television:
" Like I've said, the government has been stealing from you. Every one of you, citizens of New York, has been stolen in some way! I... Have the documents to prove this!! Everybody! I am asking everybody who was a victim of the corruption, to go down to the streets, and fight for justice!! "

" John something's not right. Why is he exposing the government for their corruption? "
" I don't know. Hey hold on a second my friend is calling. I'll get back to you soon. "

A group of revolutionist threw a molotov inside a shop, lighting it on fire. Others were gathering together, to try and pass the armored wall. Armored cars, ambulance arrived at the war zone.
Alongside the troops and peacekeepers, a few attack bots were being deployed in the streets. They were firing tear gas at the people, tearing them apart. He receives a new transmission from John:
"Jack I finished talking to my friend. He says that he found the real building. I'll send a location and Jack, be quick."
"On my way!"
Just as he was about to drive away, he feels something strange. Everything went silent, then he hears gunshots. One of the protesters shot an officer, causing the others to start shooting back at them. A fight begins between the two groups. He receives another transmission from John:
"Jack, something bad is happening. We are detecting multiple signals coming from the building. Shit, looks like David started the machines. Oh my God there are multiple signals detected across the globe."
"Wait it's not just here?"
"NO!! Put the gun down... "

Then he hears a gunshot.

"John?? John can you hear me?? Shit!"
He immediately drives away, trying to reach Dexcorp in time and prevent what ever is happening from getting out of control:
"More than it already is...."

Remember : The Revolution Begins...

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