Week 11

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Hey, lovelies! 

Welcome to Week 11! 

Thanks for the awesome recommendations for QOTW

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Thanks for the awesome recommendations for QOTW. Feel free to comment more anytime you get any new ideas or suggestions. <3


This week's pairs:

1. liann_aixa (Izoven: Song of Fire) - phoebeconrey (Set In Stone)

2. neonkiwiii (A Single Rose) - amrodriguez007 (Lightning's Retribution)

3. amansrose (A Deadly Game) - Bite_da_Bullet (Stay Where You Are)

4. ChristinaAnnRiley (Sister Zone) - softyhartz (Highway of Lights)

5. TheresNo_Rush (Serpent's Daughter) - pinkiriss (Femenine Secrets)

6. _shikato (The Pheonix Queen) -  BlameSaiki (I love You x20)

7. captaindekirk (Blue on Blue) - sarahsarasarita (Kingsblade)

8. LatishaJahoor (Killer Love) - beechtreemadness (A Different Ending)

9. RogueWriter55 (The Clearing) - ThatParanormalWolf (Light In the Wolf)

10. zalayell (Two Ears & a Heart) - ily_ari_grande (Discover Soulmate)

11. EmeraldGoldMe (Affinity) - immortal_eve4 (The Wicked Rose)

12. annes45 (Broken) - mehutch (The Factory)

13. Ms_willow (The Purge) - spelunkadunk (The Claimed)


Question of the Week:

What did you think of the similes and/or metaphors used in your partner's book? How did they add to the prose? What was your favorite one?

In books where these literary devices weren't common: Where and how do you think adding some similes or metaphors might be beneficial for the story?

Let's talk about literary devices, specifically similes and metaphors.
(Thanks to sarahsarasarita for the suggestion <3)

Now, before I get into specifics into what these guys are and how and when to use them, it's important to understand that the use of literary device is not entirely necessary and not every writing style uses them, but they ARE very nice to have.

So, what are these used for?
Similes and metaphors are comparisons you can make between two ideas to add emphasis, drama, or feeling into your prose. Using these figurative language tools can create beautiful, memorable moments in your story, evoking all kinds of emotions. So, although they aren't necessary, they can take your writing to the next level. 

How do you identify them?

Similes are easier to identify. They are comparisons with the word "like" or "as" in between them. For example: 

"Her romantic mind was like the tiny boxes, one within the other, that come from the puzzling East . . ." — Peter Pan

"My mom always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." — Forrest Gump

 "The very mystery of him excited her curiosity like a door that had neither lock nor key." — Gone with the Wind

Metaphors DO NOT use the words "like" or "as", and instead establish something IS something else. For example:

"The sun in the west was a drop of burning gold that slid near and nearer the sill of the world." —Lord of the Flies

 "But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun!" —Romeo & Juliet

"Her mouth was a fountain of delight." —The Storm

As you can see, these two are wonderful tools that can take your descriptive language to a whole new level. It's a creative way to describe things and they're wonderful to create. Play around with your imagery and write some similes and metaphors; your readers will appreciate it!

Here's a website where you can learn more about these tools and how to create them:



Remember that after reading and commenting on the 3 chapters of your fellow bookworm, you have to let me know you're finished, in the comment section of THIS chapter.

And answer the question of the week.

Until next Sunday, bookworms!

- l i a n n -

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