Reinstated (Introductions)

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"Oxide-01 to Oxide-1-1 How copy? Over?"


"We are Oscar Kilo Oxide Actual, overwatch reports 20+ foot mobiles heading our way. How copy on the QRF? Over."


"QRF is pinned down Oxide 1-1, only one operator from a CTU is available, be advised, watch your fire. Over."


"What's their ID? over."


" 'Joker.' Over and out."


" oh shit... Copy Oxide Actual."

Street combat...

White Mask:"Open fire!"

White Mask-2:"Where is he!?"

White Mask-3:"He's there! He's there! He's coming up the stairs!"

Joker: *Chuckles* "No I'm not."

White Mask-3:"Oh shi- argh!"

White Mask:"Waaagh!"

White Mask 4:"I can't see him! GAAAAH!"

Meanwhile at Hereford

Ash:"Jeez, this guy took out that many?"

Six:"Yes, yes he did. I personally picked him out. His dossier, surprises me... It's as if the US government wanted to say he never existed, he's a ghost..."

Tachanka:"This man fights like a real man! Up close and personal."

Caveira:"Sounds like my kind of guy."

Six:"He specializes in psychological warfare, black ops and CQC. He uses fear against his adversaries. Makes them question themselves. Using a special smokescreen which not even thermals can see through."

Dokkaebi:"I hear he's Korean American?"

Six:"Well, yes. But he isn't as acquainted with Korean as you are, but he is good with German."

Jäger:"He uses an ACOG? What!?"

Six:"Jäger we all know that you miss the ACOG, now deal with it. Now, back to the body cams of this Delta squad."

Footage resumes.

"Oxide 1-1 to Oxide Actual, there are bodies everywhere..."


"Oxide Actual to Oxide 1-1, can you repeat?"


"Who is this guy?"


"No one."

The footage then shows Delta Force members walking through a building full of dead white mask members with gunshot wounds and what seems like stab wounds. That is until they found a whimpering White Mask member cowering in a corner in a fetal position.


Delta Force:"Calm down, what happened here?"

White Mask:"He's coming, HE'S coming!"

Joker:"What are you talking about, I'm already here."

All of the Delta Members turn around to aim at where the voice came from, until they heard it from the left. It actually scared them to be honest, especially considering the one body they saw back there nailed to the wall with a knife.

Joker:"Over here, dumbasses."

They all aimed at Joker who leaned against a wall wiping his blades off. 

Delta Force -2:"ID!"

Joker:" 'Joker'"

He said as he threw the knife at the White Mask, killing him instantly. The Delta Operators looked back at him awkwardly..

Delta Force:"I thought they disavowed you..."

Joker:"They did. Now lets move 'Byungshi's" (Retards)

Delta Force-4:"Is that who I think it is?"

Delta Force-3:"Yep, but that's for another time. Let's move!"

Footage stops

Pulse:"He did.. All that?"

Joker:"Yes I did."

Everyone in the room yells in surprise and fear.

Six:"Oh. Right I forgot you were even in here."

IQ:"How did none of us even notice seine?"

Doc:"Hey don't look at me."

Six:"Everyone meet 'Joker'."

Vigil:"No real name?"

Joker then bowed elegantly despite being in a creepy gas mask, and spoke with a bit of sarcasm, he also laughs at the expense of others and... He might be a little insane.

Joker:"Hahaha, no no no.. You'll be knowing my name soon enough. Pleased to meet you all."

Six:"He's moving in... Today..."

All of the Operators: "Ohhh fuck."

Joker:*Laughs in being scarier than Cav*

UnPredictable: An OC x R6S storyWhere stories live. Discover now