Moving forward

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Weeks later... Since Training Day...

White Mask:"Fall back in the forest!"







As several White Masks were retreating in a forest, they were firing back at shadows as bullets were flying out of the forest. It seems as if the bullets appear out of thin air. There are several White Masks terrified are all trying to stick together as a group. Then one of their falling behind men saw something that'll make any White Mask's shit their pants...

???:"Shadow-1 to Shadow-3 moving to eliminate."

???:"Shadow-2, targeting..."

???:"Shadow-3 severing..."

???:"Shadow-4... Eliminating..."

The White Mask's. turned to see several unknowns with glowing green goggles running in the dark forest, the glow on their goggles makes them look like demons coming to hunt them down. The Rainbow operators were chasing the White Masks from their forest base. Several shots are heard as more White Masks fell, what they didn't know it was a force of 4 against 30+ foot mobiles, however, these 4 could kill fast... They were personally selected by Six. A small subdivision within Rainbow, these shadows are selected from the very best. Some exceptions are made...

???:"Shadow-2, firing 40'"

???:"Shadow-1 to Shadow-2, 7 hostiles eliminated, good hits."

???:"Shadow-3, 24 hostiles remain, changing positions."

???:"Shadow-4, encircling."

White Mask:"Wait we surrend-GAH!"

???:"No witnesses, no survivors."




The Operators moved in to eliminate more White Mask agents, and when there was 4 left. All they heard was this.


Then they saw 4 glowing green goggles running terrifyingly fast in the forest. They were like forest demons, summoned to hunt them down. Then each one of them fell to a drop kick by one of the shadow operators. And all were killed quietly with a knife. 

???:"Let's move, they're not the only camp here."

???:"Roger that."

???:"Move out!"

The 4 Shadow-Rainbows went out and hunted down another outpost in the forest, the White Masks have been trying to train people in this American forest. It is up to them to stop the White Masks before they carry out another attack. These operators are 'Dark Knights' heroes that aren't recognized. They do this for one thing, to preserve peace. 

???:"9 hostiles spotted. Firing."

???:"3 kills confirmed. Eliminating."


???:"Hostiles all eliminated."

???:"One is still alive."

WM:"Get away from me!! Please! Let me live! I won't tell anyone! I swear!"

UnPredictable: An OC x R6S storyWhere stories live. Discover now