Getting to know everyone

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Everyone sat in the rec area on the other side of the room, unnerved by the fact that there is a literal sociopathic, and likely insane, Ex-Delta Force operator. Sitting at a table reading Art Of War... Again...

Joker:"I'm not gonna bite if that's what you're worried about."

Dokkaebi:"No, it's the fact that there's a spider on your shoulder."

Joker:"What's wrong with 'Webber'(DST Ref) here? He's a spider that hangs out on my vest... Helps with the mosquitoes a lot.."

Smoke:"But there's no mosquitoes here."

Joker:"That's the funny part! HAHAHAHAHAHA"

Everyone looks at him unnerved.

Joker:"Okay okay I'll stop, the name's John."

Thermite:"John what?"

Joker:"John Doe."

Ash:"He's joking.."

Joker:"Okay but really it's John Jang"

Ash:"Called it."

Blackbeard:"Where did they pick you up from?"

Joker:"Where? That's for another time... How? Well... Long story short. Six found me in an operation against White Masks. Their cell? *Snaps* Gone. What happened? Let's say *Chuckles* I gave them the 'light' treatment."

Caveira:"How... Are you not charged with war crimes..?"

Joker:"Because I'm a ghost. Legally dead. Well, not in here... But out there? Not.. A.. Single... Trace.."

Glaz:"Don't you miss your family comrade?"

Joker:"... No..." *Death stare*

Glaz *Sweating*:"O-oh! Okay.."

Everyone started easing up, and they all started to roam around the rec center once more. 

Vigil:"You're Korean?"

Joker:"Well, yes."

*He takes off his mask, and everyone gasps at the sight.*

John:"But I prefer the mask on."

Rook:"Can the facemask be modified with plates?"


Sledge:"So... You like to smash things?"

*Puts mask back on*

Joker:"No.. I just like to kill, killing is fun."

Doc:"Couldn't agree with you more."

Joker:"Well, as I quote the great 'lord' here sometimes."

Joker and Tachanka:"I do not know who I am, nor why am I here. All I know is that I must kill."

Tachanka:"Haha! Comrade, we are going to get along just fine. Have some vodka."

Joker:"I... Don't drink a lot.."

Dokkaebi:"It's just one drink... Lightweight."

Joker:"No, last time I drank..."



Joker on top of a pile of dead terrorists, while a bunch of other Delta operators scream at him to get down. Meanwhile he is holding an American flag while screeching.

*Present Day*


Hibana:"Do you at least like to blow up things?"

UnPredictable: An OC x R6S storyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora