Training Day

414 7 16

(TODAY, AUG 11 IS MY BIRTHDAY BITCHES I am also writing at 1:30 AM so... FUCKING ENJOY!)

"Hey Joker, how was sleeping with the 'Goblin?'"

John:"Shut up Jordan. We didn't do it."

Jordan:"Come on man! You two look great together."

John:"Shut up!" 

Aleksandr:"Hey comrade! We're just joking around. Like the glasses. I guess you and her are matching now."

John:"Oh my god. GUYS STOP!"

John pressed a couple of buttons on his wrist mounted phone and he turned into a hologram of someone else.

John (Disguised as Chul):"Leave me alone."

Chul:"How did you...?"

"Chul":"Shhhhhh.. Joyonghe..." (Quiet)

Grace walked up to join the others at the table.

"Chul":"Oh no..."

The others at the table started chuckling.

Grace:"Hey Chul! Aleksandr! Jordan! And... Chul?!"

Chul:"That's John."

He said pointing at the other Chul.

"Chul":"What the fuck Vigil!?"

He deactivated his hologram and looked like his normal self again, but now he's shaking his head as he takes another bite of meat.

Grace:"Why hey there John."

John:"Oh no..."

All the girls from the nearby table were laughing at him and Grace as he faceplants onto the table. He was afraid of this. Back then when he was young, he talked to this girl he was good friends with, and everyone shipped it. No one let it go, soon enough it was featured as the 'ship of the year' in the Yearbook. He's tried to live it down ever since, and now its started again. This time with half of the operators shipping it... Especially the female ones.

John:"What do you want Grace?"

Grace:"Nothing much, Kokiri."

John:"Did you just call me an elephant?"


John:"That's not going to be my nickname."

Grace:"Johnny it is."

John:"Well- actually that's fine. Have a seat."

Grace:"Oh no I'm fine."

John:"Well, why are you here?"

Grace:"Just saying hi to my... Boyfriend~"

John:"OH GOD WHY!?"

Aleksandr, Jordan, and Chul all started laughing. Aleksandr patted John on the back as he was laughing super hard. Aleksandr is like the Russian BRO. Then all of the girls were amused by the relationship, and the flirtatiousness between John and Grace. John then smirked. He had a great idea.. He'll play the game. He is... UnPredictable after all.

John:"Why don't you let your... Boyfriend greet you properly?"


John then got up, stood in front of her, looked at her in the eyes... Looked away as if distracted, then locked his eyes dead to hers. She couldn't help herself but still remain entranced. Then he grabbed her, wrapping his arm around her back leaning her down and he kissed her right on the lips. Her lips were soft, like silk. He did it in a very passionate and loving way like a K-Drama. 

UnPredictable: An OC x R6S storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें