Trailer : AshFall

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Play the music if you wish, it's more fitting. 

UnPredictable season 1 Finale.

"Reports are showing, Parliament has indeed been bombed by the terrorist organization known as the 'White-Masks' claims responsibility for such an action."

Several Firearms are seen loaded up by various operators. Joker amongst them. All of them looking at each other grimly.

"There is a nuclear threat within London... According to a threat from the White masks"

Several helicopters at Hereford Base are revving up...

"The city of London is still currently evacuating. Millions are still attempting to evacuate to a safe  distance. Fighting is raging within London... The police force cannot fight back against the well armed terrorists."

"We have to stop them Harry."

Several Helicopters are lifting off to evacuate people. Only a few BlackHawks are left behind for the operators to fly towards the Chaotic Warzone called London.

"We have to evacuate as well! This will go down in history, and I'd prefer it if my operators live to tell about it."

"... No sir. If there's a chance, I'm taking it."

"Then god help you... Godspeed John..."

"I won't need it sir."

The Blackhawks are flying through a fury of gunfire.

Embers fall in London. 

Dead Policemen and British Armed forces lay everywhere.

Rainbow Operators fight through the streets.

Then finally... Reaching Buckingham...


UnPredictable: An OC x R6S storyWhere stories live. Discover now