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Crutchie's POV.

Jack told me that Race, Les, Kathrine, and himself wanted to change. I knew exactly what he meant. I did it before I wanted to be less arrogant and bitter. So my friend Nikel changed me to who I am today. Jack was gonna tell the newsies about the change. I promised him that I would help him with it. Jack gathered the newsies and said to them "Me, Race, Les, and Kathrine want to change our personality," he said. The whole room exploded into chaos. The newsies were shouting about it and Davey and Les were having an argument. "Guys st-"Jack started but no one could hear. "Shut it!"I shouted shocking everyone. "But Jackie that's impossible how can you do that?"Spot askes confused. "Well" I started "I have a friend who knows how to do voodoo so she's gonna do it". The whole room was shocked I Crutchie Morris have a friend who knows dark magic. What they don't understand is that Nikel isn't completley dark but she could become completly dark if something happened. I'm worried for her but I know she can cope. 

History Has Its Eyes On Me (A Racetrack Higgins Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz