Meeting the newsies

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Nikel's POV. 

I am super nervous about today because I'm meeting the newsies. The same newsies that beat Pulitzer in the strike. I told my brothers all about the newsies and they said they trust them. After all Janus and Jack are good friends as well as Lydia(Janus' girlfriend)and Kathrine are good friends. Janus said to not be nervous but here I am nervous as a pig about to enter the chophouse knowing what will happen. I knock on the door and Crutchie answers it. "Nikel, you actually decided to come instead of bailing on us," Crutchie says joking. Then Race appeared "Nikel you came," Race said "Can we introduce you to the guys now?" he askes. I nod my head excited but anxious about meeting the boys. "Alright fellas this is Nikel"Race says gesturing to me. The boys all burst out with 'Hello' and 'Nice to meet you'. I flinch I was never fond of loud noises. Jack notices this and shouts "Guys quiet down Nikel clearly dosn't like loud noises!". All of the newsies quiet down. "Thanks Jack,"I mumble. The whole room stays quiet for a few seconds. "Well," says Jack "Lets get on with introductions,". "Okay,"I start "My name is Nikel, I am 15, I love musicals,amgood at gymnastics,singing, dancing fighting and have two brothers,"I say. "Alright then," Jack says. "This is Davey,Albert,Specs,Finch,Elmer,Mike,Ike,Romeo and you know me,Les,Crutchie, Kathrine and Race,". We hear a cough from the back of the room. "Oh that's Spot Conlon,Leader of the Brooklyn newsies,". Then I look at Romeo and Specs. "Wait up," I say getting everyone's attention. "Ryan and Nico is that you two?" I ask. 

Spromeo's (Yes I did ThAt) POV.

"Nikel?" we say . 

Nikel's POV. 

OMG It's my childhood friend Ryan and Nico. We all have a group hug. "Tell me how you know each other?" Jack askes. "Oh sorry me Ryan and Nico or as you know the Romeo and Specs used to play together when we were 9 and 10 with Crutchie,"I explain. "OH," the newsies all say. Then Spot coughs again "Can I talk to Nikel in private?" he askes. "Of course," I say. We both leave the room to go outside. 

What do you think will happen next? Next chapter will be tomorrow. See ya


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