Sing-Off Part 1

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Nikel's POV. 

Today is the sing-off. I'm not nervous about it. I'm absolutely terrified. You see I was supposed to be doing a solo. Not just a solo. A solo against Davey. Davey had everything gave to him on a golden plate. So most likely he would have a really good song. I had chosen a really good song it was All You Wanna Do from Six. I was a little scared about the note. I had tried it multiple times but I could never hit it. the agenda was the most complicated thing ever. It went like this 

Sing-off agenda  
Jack vs Spot 
Crutchie vs Bully 
Les vs Alex
Albert vs Lukas 
Specs vs Alec
Race vs Pages 
Davey vs Nikel 
Brooklyn Newsies vs Manhatten newsies 
Jack Davey and Race vs Pages Spot and Nikel. 

The boys met me at the theatre to practice the group. I had convinced Spot to let us do Ex-Wives with costumes. Medda helped me do costumes. The boys tried them on and lets just say they looked majestic. Now I also did the best thing ever. I got Spot to let us wear make-up. The roles were perfect as well. Spot is Cathrine of Aragon, Pages is Anne Boleyn, Alex is Jane Seymour, Lukas is Anne of Cleves, I'm Kathrine Howard and Bully is Cathrine Parr. The Hatten newsies came in and started talking. Medda cleared her throat and everyone looked at her. "Welcome to the sing-off. Rember the rules and no cheating or fighting. With that said let the sing-off begin,"  she declared and everyone nodded. Jack stepped forward and started singing Angel with a Shotgun. Spot's face paled I could see in his face that he thought he would lose. Once Jack finished Spot steped forward and started singing first burn. I did the backing vocals for him and once he was done Medda declared the winner. It was Spot. We all started cheering for him and something went up on the black board. Brooklyn 1 Manhatten 0. Everyone on the agenda went forward and sung until the score was Brooklyn 3 Manhatten 4. The last round was worth double points so if I won Brooklyn would be in the lead. Davey steped forward and started singing Forrbidden Fruit. He was using my brothers song! Once he finished I was fuming. He was smirking at me. "Why so mad Nikel?" he taunted. I stepped forward and clicked to have the music start. I somehow hit all the notes but then it came to the note. I  started singing "I thought this time was different. Why did I think he'd be different". This song related to me. I had dated many boys before but then they all cheated on me. When I was with Race I thought I had a chance but he cheated on me as well. This was my moment to prove myself. "But it's never ever diferent oh," I sung the whole room was shook. I finished the song and the whole room was shocked. I had hit the note and no one had belived in me. Medda spoke up and said "I declare that the winner of the solo's are the Brooklyn newsies!". We all started cheering. "We'll start the next rounds after a breif reconviene," Medda declared to us all. The Brooklyn newsies all shared a glance. I knew they would be partying so I decided to join them. This would be fun. 

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