The Hidden Relationship

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Time Skip to a few months into the newsie war because school is starting soon and I don't wanna have to write about all of that unimportant stuff. 

Nikel's POV.

Race asked to meet me at a place. It's called the willow tree. When I get to the place where Race told me to meet him I am awe-struck. That's when I saw Race. Of course, I had a crush on him but DAMN he looked sooo hot. Race may be a hopelessly romantic boy but wow this was just amazing. I'm sure he hasn't done this for any other girl he has met before. I'm starting to think he likes me. "Nikel you're here," Race says in his beautiful voice. God, I love him so much. "Nikel I want to ask you a question," he said looking at me as I made my way to him. Then we were face to face.

"Nikel, ever since I saw you I was smitten and I never knew I could fall in love with a girl so far. Nikel you are the light to my darkeness the penut butter to my jelly, will you be my goil?" Race asked I nearly screeched.
"Yes of course I will Race," I exclaimed so happy. We started to talk. It was like one of those scenes in a romantic movie. Where the boy and girl are sitting under a tree chatting and almost kiss. But instead of the almost kiss a leaf fell down and landed right on my head and then another one landed on Race's. It was the cutest darn thing ever. We chatted until I had to leave. "Nikel I want you to have this," Race said to me before I left. It was a paper crown made out of one of the newspapers that the boys made but one thing came out to me imparticular. There was a heart in the middle of the crown and the paper used was the one that had the newsies on it. In the middle it had three letters. N+R. It was Nikel plus Race. "I'll keep it forever," I said to Race "I'll hide it from the others ,".He bid me goodbye and we went our separate ways. 
Once I got into my room I started singing
"A heart full of love a song that you can't stop singing," Race and I were dating it was a dream come true. A happily ever after.

Race's POV. 
I can't belive it I just told the girl I loved I loved her and now we're dating. When I got to my empty bunkroom I noticed something. Nikel had left something in my pocket back at the willow tree. It was a picture the one me and her took when we were at her house in a braclet. I put it on and started singing "A heart full of desire need no more her love is enough,". After I put the braclet on I hid it under my pillow. The door opened. Les was there with his cape "Come on or else we'll be late for the show, "he said. Gosh I forgot Nikel made him sassy. That girl has a lot of power better not get on her bad side. I'll make that a mental note. Well lets get going to this party but don't forget myself I'm dating the prettiest girl in the world. 

Hi guys Sparky here. I'm sorry for not posting for a long time and things like that. What do you think Race is gonna do at the party? What is your opinion on the paper crown/ And I swear for the life of me that sassy Les is my spirit animal along with Hercules Mulligan and Doneky from Shrek. I have the honour to be your obedient servent. Stay safe Brahers and peace out -Sparky the Almighty Queen of the Brahers. 

History Has Its Eyes On Me (A Racetrack Higgins Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt