The forgotten letter and the escape from the refuge

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Nikel's POV. 
One Week later 

I was stuck in the refuge. Turns out that the Queen's newsies are working for Snyder. I mean it was the same as Crutchie described it. When you looked around you saw kids who were ill or hurt maybe ones who possibly could die. I promised myself that I would help all these kids escape. Then I heard someone shout "Mail!". Neat! I can finally send Crutchie a letter. God, he must be worried sick about me. I went over and collected a piece of paper and a pen.  It was dark outside when I looked and because they treat us badly we only had candlelight to write with. So I started to write a letter to Crutchie. It went like this 

Dear Crutchie, 
How are you? I'm okay. Guess you were devastated last week. I'm sorry Les had to see that. Oh yeah, Crutch this is Nikel by the way. These here guards. They are rude. They say 'Jump girl. You jump or you're screwed'. At least the food ain't so bad here so far. Cause so far they barely brung us no food. Haha. I miss the good old days. Staying up way past midnight. Having picnics in the park. Where there's a cool breeze blowing even in July. But I'll be fine. Good as new. For me though tell the others I'm fine. Please come and visit soon. 
Love Your sister 

Once I finished it, I gave the paper to the guard. He put it in a box at the side of him. I went back to my two new friends Victor and Keys. We were talking about our escape plan. Then they mentioned about persuading a guard. We all looked over at the guard at our cell. On closer inspection, I saw who it was. It was Bully! "Guys. That guard over there I used to work with. He was a Brooklyn newsie with me," I whispered to the pair. I remembered how to deactivate the powder. Remind them of a memory with you. So I walked over to him and started talking to him "Hey I know you might not remember me but I'm Nikel. We used to be Brooklyn newsies together. Remember the sing-off we won or when I swung off the chandelier and you guys caught me?". He looked still in his trance and I thought that there was no chance. Then he shook his head and looked at me. "N-Nikel?" he asked me. "Yeah Bully it's me," I responded. He was smiling so hard. I told him about Victor, Keys, and I's plan to escape. He agreed to it and I beckoned my two friends over. Soon, we were out of our cell and ready to roam New York. As soon as we were out in the fresh air, we started celebrating, and then we ran. The three boys were gonna help us along with some other kids we took. We took Lucy, Kaine, Devlin, Amelia, Savannah, Bree, Terry-Marie, and Jack. Well, we didn't exactly take them. We ended up taking 34 out of 50 children. I felt sorry for the children we had left behind but soon the refuge would be closed down. They would be out then. I guess I didn't need to write that letter after all. Next stop the last hope's base. Then we would defeat Queens. Once and for all! 

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